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Who is in Control?? China??

  • Is DeSan­tis cam­paign over. It was 515 before he could get any air­time. It was all about Trumps indict­ment, they did all they could to get par­don into the con­ver­sa­tion. Could the Hal­der­man Report put a kick into the Fani Willis case?
  • Casey DeSan­tis goes where-ever Ron goes. She is run­ning the cam­paign. She was talk­ing about pol­i­cy dur­ing the speech over the week­end. It is clear she is run­ning the show.
  • We are the USA. Chi­na warns Amer­i­ca it is coop­er­a­tion of con­flict. Bei­jings top wolf war­rior diplo­mat tells Blinken theres no room to com­pro­mise on Tai­wan as its con­firmed Sec of State will meet with Xi today. All the net­works will show blinken get off the plane. They will not show the bot­tom when he is greet­ed, com­pared to Macron.. Chi­na says the USA will come to me. We fly all the way around the world, no one meets our guy at the air­port. The whole Chi­na set up is that you come to us. Xi gives him 35 min­utes. Bill Gates got the red car­pet in Chi­na. Bill Gates is 1 of many Amer­i­can busi­ness­men that went to Chi­na and got more than 35 min­utes. Is Chi­na already in charge? Is Blinken over there assur­ing that Trump will be stopped.
  • Will Hunter Biden’s busi­ness part­ner dish on the Buris­ma bribe? Devon Archer is coop­er­at­ing with repub­li­cans over an alleged $10 mil­lion bribe to the first fam­i­ly. Biden will have to deal with his age on the cam­paign trail, top demo­c­rat says: pres­i­den­t’s ally admits vot­ers would like some­one younger but the 80 year old is the only viable choice for the democ­rats in 2024.
  • What news are we deliv­er­ing to Chi­na? Is Biden get­ting out? What is the plan for Trump?
  • Biden says he is run­ning but they havent ramped up any­thing. No team, office, noth­ing. Is it time for Gavin New­som to step in.
  • Gavin New­som and wife Jen­nifers recent high pro­file media blitz and attacks on Ron DeSan­tis spark spec­u­la­tion the Gov­er­nor could launch White House bid despite Joe Biden say­ing he is run­ning. This may be the next install.
  • GMA reporter admits on air that boss­es advised him not to appear live from down­town San Fran­cis­co because it was too dan­ger­ous as he report­ed on West­field Mall clo­sure. West­field mall had sev­er­al high end stores. The wealth­i­est peo­ple of SF shopped here. Com­mer­cial lend­ing has always been sol­id in the past and it dri­ves lend­ing for indi­vid­u­als.

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