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Deep State Selection Has To Be Believable

  • It has to be believ­able. Trump can­not win, they wont allow him. They cant let Trump get in again. Trump is on a mas­sive roll with polling. DeSan­tis cant beat him. Almost any can­di­date can beat Joe Biden. If Joe runs again and he is select­ed, it wont play. They wont be able to do it twice. The big prob­lem now is they know that we know Joe did­nt win. Every­one came togeth­er and called it the Big Lie and we were to be destroyed if we were not to sign on to the lie. Even some repub­li­cans came into sub­mis­sion that Joe Biden won the elec­tion. They had to beat you into sub­mis­sion to get you to believe Joe Biden won, they cant do that again. The Deep State is work­ing to stop Trump that is believ­able to the peo­ple. They have elec­tron­ic vot­ing machines. Every­thing is in place. If you are look­ing for the leader of the coup Gavin New­som. They could sell that. Now New­som is cam­paign­ing against DeSan­tis.
  • Patrick Bet-David Tweet: 2024 strat­e­gy to have New­som replace Biden:
  • Step 1: Have New­som go around defend­ing Biden. Sell­ing Bidens record. Shows Loy­al­ty
  • Step 2: Have New­som con­stant­ly attack DeSan­tis. Dems are con­vinced Trump will be forced to drop out
  • Step 3: If Biden does­nt step down, have the main­stream media will attack Biden. Its already hap­pen­ing, ABC, CBS, NBC all went after Biden start­ing this week.
  • Step 4: Once Jill notices these end­less attacks have a pri­vate meet­ing with Biden shar­ing strat­e­gy to save face if he steps down
  • Mul­ti­ple doc­u­men­tary show­ing Biden as a mod­ern day FDR
  • Mas­sive Simon & Schus­ter book deal
  • Defend his lega­cy & be par­doned by New­som if sh*t hits the fan
  • Step 5: Choose one of few options to step down.
  • Due to health
  • Jill and I played about it and we decid­ed its time for us to go spend time with the grand­kids.
  • We fixed every­thing Trump broke and now its time for some­one else to do it.
  • Edi­fy New­som as being lay­al to Biden unlike DeSan­tis not being loy­al to Trump.
  • Step 6: In order to pre­vent Kamala from back­stab­bing, let her become the first female pres­i­dent for a split sec­ond when Biden steps down. Hilary will lose her mind but whats new?
  • Step 7: Divide DeSan­tis and Trump camp to make sure MAGA does­nt vote for DeSan­tis
  • Step 8: New­som becomes 47.
  • And last but not least, its very like­ly that NONE of the above will hap­pen, which is why its called a pre­dic­tion. Remem­ber: ONLY THE PARANOID SURVIVE.
  • They cant make it look like the Biden admin­is­tra­tion was a dis­as­ter. We asked weeks ago why did this go through CBS. Are these parts in place? It has to be believ­able.

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