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Everything Is Released Intentionally Wiess Was Blocked, AG Garland Says NO

  • Cuba to host a secret Chi­nese Spy Base forc­ing on the US. Bei­jing agrees to pay Havana sev­er­al bil­lion dol­lars for an eaves­drop­ping facil­i­ty. Cuban offi­cials con­clude Rus­sia trip with agree­ments on oil, wheat and renewed tourism. Chi­na is going to give Cuba bil­lions to set up the base. Cuba will then turn to Rus­sia to buy oil and wheat. We might be in a check­mate zone with Chi­na.
  • We know Joe Biden has checked out. We know that Susan Rice and the deep state are run­ning things. They know that Biden has com­pro­mised us with Chi­na. The real prob­lem is Joes age. They will shut down Joe because the media is ask­ing ques­tions. Any­time CBS is run­ning some­thing as strong as the IRS whistle­blow­er on Hunter Biden, is this a time release event.
  • You have to stop and think noth­ing gets released that they dont want released. Every­thing is leaked inten­tion­al­ly. The reporters are start­ing to ask ques­tions. This makes Water­gate look like acci­den­tal shoplift­ing. The AG coverup. Wiess says he was blocked, Mer­rick Gar­land says he was not. They knew they could have exposed things before the elec­tion. There were cer­tain things that could have led to Biden being stopped.
  • Hunter Biden pri­vate­ly set­tles with baby mama over child sup­port pay­ments for their four-year-old daugh­ter: Pres­i­dents sons con­tri­bu­tions drop from $20K to $5K a month and daugh­ter can­not use fam­i­ly name.
  • Hunter Biden What­sApp mes­sages show him demand­ing $10 mil­lion from a Chi­nese ener­gy ven­ture and brag­ging that his fam­i­ly is the best at appeas­ing the com­pa­ny’s now miss­ing bil­lion­aire chair­man. House repub­li­cans released more What­sApp mes­sages Tues­day they say were writ­ten by Hunter Biden as he worked on a busi­ness deal with a Chi­nese ener­gy com­pa­ny.
  • Mr X worked with Shap­ley and con­firms what Shap­ley has claimed that Weiss was­nt in charge. We know that Gar­land and Biden ran this inves­ti­ga­tion. Weiss did not have author­i­ty on this case. What about Jack Smith? What about any­thing else with Trump and his inves­ti­ga­tions?
  • 2024 strat­e­gy to have New­som replace Biden. They know how to make this hap­pen. They have the 81-mil­lion votes. They just have to put a pret­ty face out front to make it believ­able.

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