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Do You Think The Deep State Is Working To Install Another President?

  • Let’s get things in per­spec­tive. We have to know what the ene­my is doing. The media is part of the demo­c­rat par­ty. Putins ene­mies do not sur­vive. If this guy is still alive in 30 days, then every­thing was a hoax con­cern­ing this hoax. All of the Russ­ian Ukrain­ian author­i­ties on TV that know exact­ly what they are doing over there may not be telling the truth.
  • Do you think it is time for the CIA and the entire ball of the Deep State for them to install the next pres­i­dent of the US. Are we in the posi­tion to elect or have we crossed over to select with a point of return. Since the Hal­der­man report there are a lot of peo­ple talk­ing about paper bal­lots. Your coun­ties have con­trol over the use of the machines.
  • Seth Keshel Tweet: As promised: Spald­ing Coun­ty, GA: Com­mis­sion­ers push to defund elec­tron­ic vot­ing sys­tems, remov­ing $85K from elec­tion boards bud­get. Tonight the board, in a 5–0 vote, gave its con­sent for the Spald­ing Coun­ty board of elec­tions to take what­ev­er action they deem rea­son­ably pru­dent to car­ry out open, fair, and trans­par­ent elec­tions to include using paper bal­lots instead of the flawed machines. The next Elec­tions board meet­ing will be held on this mea­sure, July 11.
  • There are cer­tain things that the state funds the elec­tions but for the most part the prop­er­ty tax­pay­ers are fund­ing the elec­tions. The com­mis­sion­ers are to write the bud­get to fund the elec­tion. You have the abil­i­ty to flood your com­mis­sion to stop using the machines. In Ful­ton and in Gwin­nett coun­ties could be where the selec­tion of the next pres­i­dent will hap­pen. It will take more than the elec­tion of the pres­i­dent to set things straight in this coun­try.
  • Rush said that even Biden would­nt be the nom­i­nee in 2020. Read­ing the tea leaves is not the out­come any­more. The Deep State is work­ing hard to select the pres­i­dent. It is becom­ing more and more dif­fi­cult as it is altered on the inside.
  • The nar­ra­tive they want to go this morn­ing is Trump’s legal trou­bles. But Biden may be on his way out. The CIA has been going around the world installing lead­ers, regime changes or caus­ing wars to change his­to­ry; what makes it any dif­fer­ent here? WE know that Joe Biden did­nt get 81M votes. And there is noth­ing to fear for them because they are sure they can do it again because we have an elec­tron­ic vot­ing sys­tem.
  • They want Biden out based on his age. Not because of the IRS whistle­blow­er and the sec­ond whistle­blow­er. They cant let him go out that way because it would expose the Deep State.
  • The rul­ing yes­ter­day in the supreme court. Go to Mark Lavine and study what hap­pened on what hap­pened
  • We have to stop the mil­i­tary state in this coun­try. It is like the FBI and so many of our good men and women in the field offices. Dont for­get when we talk about clean­ing house of the FBI all the great field agents we have. Eisen­how­er warned us of the mil­i­tary state. That is not your local men and women in the mil­i­tary, that is the Wash­ing­ton elite. Mil­ley want­ed to invade Iran and blamed it on Trump, but Pres­i­dent Trump stopped him. Thats the Only sto­ry with leaked CNN tape! Mil­ley needs to face a court mar­tial! These kinds of things have to be han­dled.

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