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You Have The Leak, The Coup, And High Speed Internet To Change Subject

  • How many of you believe your TV is spy­ing on you? MTG claims her TV is spy­ing on her. The Repub­li­can fire­brand says she saw some­thing con­cern­ing on screens in a series of bizarre tweets. MTG said some­one tried to hack her TV at her DC res­i­dence over the week­end and sug­gest­ed it was some­one try­ing to spy or even assas­si­nate her as she tweet­ed she is hap­py and healthy.
  • Is MTG throw­ing shade? For the sup­port of Kevin McCarthy? For the debt increase? That she is not ready to move for­ward on the Biden impeach­ment?
  • If you have a Russ­ian coup and if we need to stop
  • The GOP has 6 wit­ness­es who can back up claims AG lied about DOJ inter­fer­ence in the Hunter case.
  • As we fig­ure out what to do. They have run every sce­nario on what to do. Is this the tran­si­tion to get Joe out. Are the devel­op­ments with hunters hap­pen­ing now because the tim­ing is right.
  • You have released tapes.
  • Trump blasts deranged pros­e­cu­tor Jack Smith and accus­es him of work­ing with the DOJ and FBI to leak damn­ing audio in which the for­mer pres­i­dent admits to hav­ing clas­si­fied doc­u­ments he took from White House.
  • Then throw in High speed inter­net Biden Tweet: Today, we announced over $40 bil­lion to be dis­trib­uted across the coun­try to deliv­er high-speed inter­net to places with either no or slow ser­vice. With this fund­ing and oth­er fed­er­al invest­ments, we will con­nect every per­son in Amer­i­ca to reli­able, high-speed inter­net by 2030.
  • The Prime Min­is­ter of India has to know some­thing is wrong. There is an admin­is­tra­tion that is run­ning our coun­try. Peo­ple know that Biden isnt run­ning the coun­try.
  • 2008 was our first inter­net tech­nol­o­gy elec­tion. The Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion did a very good job. They came out of the box in 2008 and used the tech­nol­o­gy. They knew if your neigh­bor vot­ed repub­li­can. They used data and used it in the way that it was a slam dunk. We con­tin­ue to hear that Trump broke the algo­rithm in 2016. We are up to the 2024 pres­i­den­tial race in the AI elec­tion. The 2024 pres­i­den­tial race is the AI elec­tion. AI and gen­er­a­tive bots like Chat GPT are poised to upend mod­ern Amer­i­can pol­i­tics in the same way that social media reset the play­book in 2008 with mount­ing warn­ings for democ­ra­cy. Top tech­nol­o­gists are por­tray­ing a dystopi­an land­scape in 2024 in which mis­in­for­ma­tion and dis­in­for­ma­tion pro­lif­er­ate with a speed and ease that means you cant trust any­thing that you see or hear as for­mer Google CEO Eric Schmidt puts it. We are rush­ing into 2024 not believ­ing what we see and hear. We have some seri­ous things com­ing we need to be pre­pared for.
  • The GOP has 6 wit­ness­es who can back up the claim AG lied to the DOJ inter­fer­ence in Hunter case. Delaware US attor­ney David Weiss made the shock­ing dis­clo­sure at an Oct 7 2022 meet­ing with top IRS and FBI offi­cials con­tra­dict­ing sworn tes­ti­mo­ny from Attor­ney Gen­er­al Mer­rick Gar­land, IRS super­vi­so­ry agent Gary Shap­ley told the House Ways and Means Com­mit­tee last month. He sur­prised us by telling us on the charges, Im not the decid­ing offi­cial on whether charges are filed Shap­ley recount­ed in his May 26 tes­ti­mo­ny which the com­mit­tee released Thurs­day. He then shocked us with the earth-shat­ter­ing new that the Biden-appoint­ed DC US Attor­ney Matthew Graves would not allow him to charge in his dis­trict added Shap­ley who said Graves refusal to pros­e­cute meant that Hunter would not face tax charges relat­ed to for­eign income from Buris­ma and a scheme to evade his income tax­es through a part­ner­ship with a con­vict­ed felon in 2014 and 2015. The pur­pose­ful exclu­sion of the 2014 and 2015 years san­i­tized the most sub­stan­tive crim­i­nal con­duct and con­cealed mate­ri­als facts Shap­ley went on. Delaware US attor­ney David Weiss also said he had been denied spe­cial coun­sel sta­tus.
  • The news today is Trump, DeSan­tis and Haley cam­paign­ing in New Hamp­shire.

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