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Is This Bidens Exit Plan?

  • Must read: Hanksullivan.substack.com Loef­fler, Raf­fensperg­er, Domin­ion and MITRE From elec­tion hero to zero; GA offi­cials dis­missal of secu­ri­ty audit could mean trou­ble in 2024. SOS Raf­fensperg­ers let­ter to leg­is­la­tors ramps up the rhetoric and shows that the fight for legit­i­ma­cy of the 2024 vote in GA is already well under way.
  • BREAKING: Biden’s DOJ tipped off Hunter Biden about a search of his stor­age unit, would­nt allow a search of Bidens guest house and delayed the inves­ti­ga­tion long enough for statute of lim­i­ta­tions to expire. Accord­ing to the IRS whistle­blow­ers who were inves­ti­gat­ing Hunter Biden they were removed form the inves­ti­ga­tion after report­ing the mis­con­duct from IRS and FBI offi­cials. The FBI also gave sen­si­tive intel to the Bidens lawyers and refused to pros­e­cute HUnter even after a request by a US attor­ney. How much more cor­rup­tion needs to be exposed for the House GOP to do any­thing?
  • Joe Biden has offi­cial­ly lawyered up. This is what a real scan­dal looks like. Tweet from Rep Dar­rell Issa
  • Jonathan Tur­ley arti­cle: Some­one is lying, and the whistle­blow­er appears to have all his infor­ma­tion well doc­u­ment­ed and cit­ed. Mr. Weiss, Mr Gar­land and Mrs. Mona­co have some explain­ing to do.
  • After AG Gar­land denies main jus­tice inter­fer­ence, IRS Whistle­blow­er reveals names of wit­ness­es to show Gar­land lying. State­ment from Shap­leys legal team: In an Octo­ber 7, 2022, meet­ing at the Delaware US Attor­neys office, US Attor­ney David Weiss told six wit­ness­es he did not have the author­i­ty to charge in oth­er dis­tricts and had thus request­ed spe­cial coun­sel sta­tus. Those six wit­ness­es include Bal­ti­more FBI Spe­cial Agent in Charge Tom Sobocin­s­ki and Assis­tant Spe­cial Agent in Charge Ryeshia Hol­ley, IRS Assis­tant Spe­cial Agent in Charge Gary Shape­ly and Spe­cial Agent in Charge Dar­rell Wal­don, who also inde­pen­dent­ly and con­tem­po­ra­ne­ous­ly cor­rob­o­rat­ed Mr. Shap­ley’s account in an email, now pub­lic as Exhib­it 10, fol­low­ing p. 148 of his tes­ti­mo­ny tran­script. Mr Shap­ley would have no insight into why Mr. Weisss would make these state­ments at the Octo­ber 7, 2022 meet­ing if they were false. That Mr. Weiss made these state­ments is eas­i­ly cor­rob­o­rat­ed and it is up to him an the Jus­tice Depart­ment to rec­on­cile the evi­dence of his Octo­ber 7, 2022 state­ment with con­trary state­ments by Mr. Weiss and the AG to Con­gress.
  • Is this the exit? We have talked for years, months, weeks that Biden would not run again. Reporters are ask­ing ques­tions.
  • No push back against Chi­na, they pre­tend to push back. There is a spy bal­loon going across GA and no push back on Chi­na on Tai­wan. No push back on the mil­i­tary base in Cuba. Last week the press room and net­works start­ed this sto­ry, now it is gone. Noth­ing but Rus­sia and the Wag­n­er group on the shows this Sun­day. Remem­ber in 2019 we know this. We have 51 Nation­al secu­ri­ty agents who signed the let­ter, we know the lap­top, we know Tony Bob­u­lin­s­ki.
  • Bidens 2024 vision: Play 2020 again. Biden is bet­ting that 2024 vot­ers will pre­fer con­ti­nu­ity over repub­li­can dis­rup­tion so he’ll ask for a sec­ond term by empha­siz­ing what he did in his first and cam­paign­ing on large­ly the same pro­pos­als he ran on in 2020. No one touch­es this Sun­day.
  • Biden and the lawyers don’t want Hunter out of their sight. They are work­ing through what to do. He went to the state din­ner with Dad. He is prob­a­bly stay­ing upstairs in the WH. went to camp david this week­end. Is it to get your sto­ries straight at Camp David this week­end? Every­thing was moved off all the shows this morn­ing for Rus­sia, the Wag­n­er group and Ukraine.
  • Rus­sia pulls back from the cri­sis after the insur­rec­tion. Armed rebel­lion in Rus­sia. Belarus says Russ­ian mer­ce­nary boss Prigozhin has agreed to de-esca­late the sit­u­a­tion. The Wag­n­er group rebel­lion chal­lenges Putins rule over Rus­sia.

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