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OPINION: Corruption Cant Be Hidden Forever

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

Like the Bib­li­cal walls of Jeri­cho, the pro­tec­tive faade sur­round­ing the Biden crime fam­i­ly and his equal­ly cor­rupt admin­is­tra­tion, are start­ing to col­lapse. For Jeri­cho Joe the vision of cor­rup­tion and kick­backs are start­ing to rise above the lev­el of the swamp waters and what few GOP leg­is­la­tures who have spines, are start­ing to take pot shots at it. Worse for Jeri­cho Joe and the Democ­rats, is the sev­er­al agen­cies whistle­blow­ers ris­ing up out of the primeval muck that has become their unhap­py work­place. Not all FBI or IRS agents are cor­rupt and some, endeav­or­ing to pro­tect their char­ac­ters and their souls, are spilling the beans on their boss­es. Among them are even case super­vi­sors who have shed their fears of ret­ri­bu­tion and are rat­ting out on Bidens cor­rupt Attor­ney Gen­er­al Mer­rick Gar­land and his DOJ, obstruct­ing the course of jus­tice in the mis­han­dling of the Hunter Biden mat­ter.

The tons of data pil­ing up that impli­cates the Biden’s in many crimes not lim­it­ed to just fail­ure to reg­is­ter as agents of for­eign gov­ern­ments, receiv­ing bribes from Ukraine’s ener­gy com­pa­ny Buris­ma, receiv­ing bribes from Roma­nia, and laun­der­ing mil­lions of dol­lars in bribes from Chi­na through Hunter Biden front com­pa­nies, should be evi­dence enough to pro­ceed with the com­plete dis­man­tling of Jeri­cho Joes admin­is­tra­tion. GOPs House Over­sight Com­mit­tee Chair­man James Com­er, now claims that the Biden crime fam­i­ly may actu­al­ly have received as much as $20–30 mil­lion, three times more than what was pre­vi­ous­ly thought by the GOP, from Chi­na in ille­gal pay­ments yet the Democ­rats media pro­pa­gan­da appa­ra­tus have pri­or­i­tized shield­ing that awful news about Bidens cor­rup­tion over their deter­mi­na­tion to see that Don­ald Trump goes to prison for­ev­er. These facts can no longer be hid­den by the media. If its in fact true, why isnt the GOP, apart from Reps MTG and Boe­bert doing some­thing about it? Prob­a­bly because Kamala Har­ris, Bidens insur­ance, lurks in the shad­ows.

What is the DOJ doing about it? Absolute­ly noth­ing! Appar­ent­ly, the Trump hat­ing Attor­ney Gen­er­al has com­plete con­trol over the FBI in mat­ters con­cern­ing the Biden admin­is­tra­tion.

Chuck Grass­ley has been encour­ag­ing whistle­blow­ers, hon­est cops as it were, to come for­ward and cor­rect the offi­cial DOJ pro­nounce­ments as the BS they are. Mer­rick Gar­land is con­duct­ing his posi­tion as a gate­keep­er for Jeri­cho Joe and will obstruct any inves­ti­ga­tion that threat­ens to top­ple that sin­ful fam­i­ly. Under Gar­land, the DOJ is an orga­ni­za­tion in total dis­ar­ray. The loss of con­fi­dence in the top lead­er­ship is endem­ic, but, it does­nt real­ly mat­ter because its the par­ti­san, deep state bureau­crats who are real­ly run­ning the show, both to get Trump, pro­tect Biden and Social­ize Amer­i­ca. In fact, the deep state does­nt real­ly care what Joe Biden does any­more because his fee­ble­ness and dimin­ished men­tal capac­i­ty are con­trolled. He is their Left hand, a dis­trac­tion from what they are doing with their right hand.

The GOP House Inves­ti­ga­tion is also being hin­dered by the FBI Direc­tors Wrays per­son­al refusal to coop­er­ate, pro­vid­ing the sub­poe­naed doc­u­men­tary evi­dence for the com­mit­tees use. In truth, it can­not be said the FBI is doing noth­ing, they have in fact been obstruct­ing Jus­tice by with­hold­ing request­ed doc­u­men­tary evi­dence from the com­mit­tee. It has long been evi­dent that Jeri­cho Joe is not the deci­sion mak­er at the White House. We hear rumors that out­side influ­encers with lots of dough like George Soros, Klaus Schwab of the WEF, Mark Zucker­berg, Oba­ma, Emper­or Ji and var­i­ous Russ­ian Oli­garchs are real­ly guid­ing the issues, par­tic­u­lar­ly in ener­gy and for­eign pol­i­cy. What hap­pens with­in Amer­i­ca is sim­ply efforts to keep us agi­tat­ed and divid­ed. That answers the ques­tion why they hate Don­ald Trump. Hes a uniter!

To make mat­ters worse, now comes evi­dence of a March 2021, no-bid, sole source con­tract award­ed to Biden crony, Andrew Loren­zen-Strait worth $86.9 Mil­lion dol­lars for to pro­vide hous­ing for ille­gals. To take near­ly a bil­lion dol­lars from strug­gling Amer­i­ca tax­pay­ers and lin­ing the pock­ets of your bud­dys com­pa­nies in a no-bid con­tract defines crony cap­i­tal­ism. Always fol­low the mon­ey and get it while you can.

What is cer­tain how­ev­er, is that the deep state runs the ship of state. The rot runs deep. One only need con­sid­er the Clin­ton man­u­fac­tured Russ­ian col­lu­sion hoax, two impeach­ment attempts, the Hunter Biden lap­top scan­dal, the unprece­dent­ed FBI raid on Trumps Mar-a-Lago home, the NYC non­sen­si­cal indict­ment on Trumps busi­ness mat­ters, the Geor­gia attempt to indict Trump on a phone call and etc.& etc. An impor­tant part of that deep state is the Democ­rats pro­pa­gan­da appa­ra­tus, the main stream media. Theyre not fooled either and now see Jeri­cho Joe sim­ply as a use­ful tool who is eas­i­ly manip­u­lat­ed to do their bid­ding.

Joe has nev­er been the bril­liant intel­lec­tu­al light he thinks he is. Watch­ing him per­form pub­licly reveals his oncom­ing demen­tia. The walls of Jeri­cho Joes edi­fice had bet­ter come down soon or the trou­bles we know are com­ing will vis­it us when we least expect it. Are you ready?

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (23Jun23)


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