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OPINION: The Politics of Weakness

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

The Pro­gres­sives (Marx­ists) start­ing with Oba­ma, deny that any inter­pre­ta­tion of excep­tion­al­ism, as applied to Amer­i­ca, should­nt exist. Every coun­try is excep­tion­al and our excep­tion­al­ism was­nt earned they tell us, it was stolen. Pro­gres­sives dont believe Amer­i­ca was ever excep­tion­al and view Amer­i­c­as his­to­ry as an exer­cise in bla­tant impe­ri­al­ism steal­ing land from indige­nous Amer­i­cans, loot­ing the con­ti­nent for cor­po­rate wealth and hav­ing the audac­i­ty to med­dle in oth­er coun­tries pol­i­tics. To the con­trary, our his­to­ry is filled with obser­va­tions from intel­li­gent and famous Amer­i­can states­men, philoso­phers, writ­ers, comics and even a famous French­man who wrote about what he saw as a spe­cial Amer­i­can trait bor­der­ing on excep­tion­al­ism. Pro­gres­sives dont want to accept Amer­i­can excep­tion­al­ism so theyve decid­ed to rip it out. Oba­ma start­ed that with his promise to fun­da­men­tal­ly change Amer­i­ca.

Not often quot­ed in this con­text is William Seward, unsuc­cess­ful can­di­date for Pres­i­dent against Abe Lin­coln. But even before that in 1833, Seward, accom­pa­ny­ing his aging father on a Euro­pean tour, sub­se­quent­ly wrote this pro­found state­ment: that he real­izes the fear­ful respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Amer­i­can peo­ple to the nations of the whole earth, to car­ry suc­cess­ful­ly through the exper­i­ment that men are capa­ble of self gov­ern­ment. On that trip, Seward’s thoughts turned to Amer­i­ca and his faith in his coun­try’s unique future. Seward also real­ized: Every rev­o­lu­tion­ary ends by becom­ing either an oppres­sor or a heretic and, a rad­i­cal is a man with both feet firm­ly plante­din the air. Although he did­nt real­ize it, he was clear­ly describ­ing Biden and the Pro­gres­sives now engaged in ruin­ing Amer­i­ca. Maybe he did!

Look where we are now. We dont win wars any­more. Afghanistan was gift­ed with bil­lions of dol­lars in new Amer­i­can mil­i­tary hard­ware by Bidens pre­cip­i­tous pull­out, Iran will soon have its own nuclear weapons, Ukraine is soak­ing up US tax­pay­ers mon­ey, Amer­i­ca is in a debt cri­sis that prob­a­bly wont end until World War III is con­clud­ed. There will be no win­ners! Worse than that we just watched a snivel­ing, whiny Sec­re­tary of State Blinken kow­tow­ing to Chi­nese Emper­or Xi apol­o­giz­ing for being Amer­i­can, apol­o­giz­ing for com­plain­ing about the bal­loon fias­co and Lord knows what else he gave up to the Chi­nese. How about ignor­ing Chi­na’s spy bases in Cuba? When we were strong mil­i­tar­i­ly and aware of who the ene­my was, we drove the Sovi­ets out of Cuba. But today, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and mis­sile tech­nol­o­gy have changed sub­stan­tial­ly since the cold war. Now, hyper­son­ic Chi­nese mis­siles in Cuba can strike tar­gets any­where in Amer­i­ca almost before we know theyre com­ing. If Blinken had a spine he would have told Xi and his For­eign Affairs min­is­ter, that imme­di­ate­ly Chi­na attacks Tai­wan, the US will sink the Chi­nese Navy, car­pet bomb Chi­nas Cuban instal­la­tions, launch a mil­i­tary assault against the whole Island of Cuba, remove its gov­ern­ment and remake it into a new bas­tion of free­dom. He should have said that. But dont count on any­thing like that hap­pen­ing. Our lead­ers are feck­less, boot lick­ing cow­ards hop­ing they dont actu­al­ly fire the shot that starts WWIII. Were led by a pho­ny ille­git­i­mate char­ac­ter whose very exis­tence casts a pall on the human con­di­tion, a Chi­nese pup­pet bought and paid for pre­tend­ing hes gov­ern­ing by dis­patch­ing his flunkies to appease his Chi­nese mas­ters who tell him what they want and which he deliv­ers.

How do they deflect our atten­tion from their high crimes and mis­de­meanors? Cre­ate, then focus on Trump’s legal prob­lems and sic the cor­rupt DoJ and FBI on him, on charges of mis­han­dling nation­al secrets. They cant hide the truth for­ev­er, but just long enough to take Trump out of the race. Their con­stant attacks have erod­ed Amer­i­cans trust in fair and equal jus­tice, but they have a far big­ger prob­lem than mere­ly their fear of Trump. The Lefts clum­sy efforts to hide their own cor­rup­tion should see piles of indict­ments against them and their Left­ists cocon­spir­a­tors for har­bor­ing Amer­i­can Secret doc­u­ments in the name of Joe Biden. I mean the Uni­ver­si­ties of Penn­syl­va­nia and Delaware and oth­er insti­tu­tions that have ille­gal­ly accept­ed Chi­nese mon­ey and fail­ing to report it to the IRS. The deep states arro­gance and cor­rup­tion is so per­va­sive that the only solu­tion to their undo­ing lies in the solu­tion that solved the prob­lem of undo­ing of the Gor­dian Knot. Slice it open with a blunt sword (kinet­ic action).

Hunter Bidens admis­sion of fal­si­fy­ing (lying) about a gun pur­chase, fail­ing to pay income tax on his mil­lions of influ­ence ped­dling pay­off dol­lars from the Ukraine oil com­pa­ny, Buris­ma, and the Bil­lions paid to him by Chi­na through front invest­ment com­pa­nies is anoth­er diver­sion even as it reveals more ques­tions. Can we seri­ous­ly accept that the wid­ow of the may­or of Moscow sim­ply gave Hunter Biden $3.5 mil­lion because she likes him? Did the Ukrain­ian ener­gy firm Buris­ma real­ly put Hunter Biden on their Board of Direc­tors and pay him mil­lions of dol­lars because of his exper­tise in the field? I dont thinks so. We are in a world of hurt and the web of Pro­gres­sive mis­chief has spread into near­ly every aspect of our fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. They have turned it into a weak exam­ple of a fail­ing mafia. Biden is indeed an oppres­sor and a heretic. I dont real­ly care that hes enter­ing the dark areas of demen­tia, its his face that is his gov­ern­ment. It is whol­ly cor­rupt and with­out a seri­ous change, and soon, Amer­i­ca will be lost for­ev­er! Is that what were sit­ting around wait­ing for? We have nowhere to go. Per­haps we can buy a tick­et on Bidens train across the Pacif­ic to the Indi­an Ocean.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (20Jun23)

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