Home / Opinion / VoterGA Tells Raffensperger: Unseal All Ballots or Unplug System

VoterGA Tells Raffensperger: Unseal All Ballots or Unplug System

ATLANTA, GA, June 28, 2023 Voter­GA announced today that it is call­ing on Geor­gia Sec­re­tary of State Brad Raf­fensperg­er to unplug the Domin­ion vot­ing sys­tem found by expert wit­ness, Dr. Alex Hal­der­man, to have gross­ly inad­e­quate secu­ri­ty con­trols. Voter­GA co-founder, Gar­land Favorito, released a detailed state­ment to explain the prob­lem and solu­tions:

The recent­ly unsealed Hal­der­man Secu­ri­ty Analy­sis explains that the Domin­ion vot­ing sys­tem was not designed, engi­neered or test­ed with the nec­es­sary secu­ri­ty pro­vi­sions and can­not be retro­fit­ted to sat­is­fac­to­ri­ly include them. We, at Voter­GA, have whole-heart­ed­ly pro­mot­ed sim­i­lar view­points for years.

Sec­re­tary Raf­fensperg­er has mis­led leg­is­la­tors and coun­ty elec­tion offi­cials by tout­ing an unsigned Mitre report that was fund­ed by Domin­ion and pro­duced with­out access to the vot­ing sys­tem. It has been dis­cred­it­ed by 29 cyber secu­ri­ty experts and com­put­er sci­ence pro­fes­sors on grounds that the entire report is based on a ridicu­lous false assump­tion that all cur­rent phys­i­cal access con­trols can­not be com­pro­mised.

No patch will ensure our vot­ing sys­tem is secure because the Sec­re­tary con­tin­ues to fight to keep the paper bal­lots it pro­duces secret. Our scan­ners are as unse­cure as the Bal­lot Mark­ing Devices and more dan­ger­ous because they con­trol what is tab­u­lat­ed. The Hal­der­man analy­sis shows our scan­ners accept pho­to­copied bal­lots. Evi­dence shows pho­to­copies were scanned and accept­ed in 2020 and 2022 elec­tions. We also deter­mined thou­sands of low-res­o­lu­tion Domin­ion bal­lot images were elec­tron­i­cal­ly altered pri­or to the 2020 elec­tion cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.

The solu­tion to this prob­lem is to unplug Geor­gia from the vot­ing sys­tem. Vot­ers must cast hand-marked, secu­ri­ty grade paper bal­lots, hand count­ed in pub­lic at polling loca­tions. The Sec­re­tary refus­es to do this because he pur­chased the sys­tem. That sys­tem is unver­i­fi­able to the vot­er and it was declared ille­gal by the U.S. Dis­trict Court pri­or to the 2020 elec­tion.

If Sec­re­tary Raf­fensperg­er con­tin­ues refus­ing to unplug this sys­tem, the only oth­er solu­tion is to unseal all paper bal­lots the sys­tem has pro­duced and will pro­duce in the future. Pub­licly avail­able bal­lots are nec­es­sary to ver­i­fy elec­tron­ic results and detect coun­ter­feit bal­lots as soon as results are cer­ti­fied. There­fore, we call upon Sec­re­tary Raf­fensperg­er to imme­di­ate­ly request Supe­ri­or Courts statewide to unseal all paper bal­lots for the 2020, 2022, and 2024 elec­tions. Geor­gians deserves hon­est proof of secure, trans­par­ent elec­tions.

Voter­GA is a non-par­ti­san, 501©3 reg­is­tered non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion cre­at­ed by a coali­tion of cit­i­zens work­ing to restore elec­tion integri­ty in Geor­gia. We advo­cate for inde­pen­dent­ly ver­i­fi­able, auditable, recount capa­ble, trans­par­ent and tam­per proof elec­tions.

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