Home / News / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — Bidens Not Running, Dems Searching For Candidate

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — Bidens Not Running, Dems Searching For Candidate

  • The reports are out say­ing that Biden is not run­ning. Biden is a place­hold­er. How New­som thinks he can run the coun­try, as a dis­as­ter may­or of San Fran and a dis­as­ter gov­er­nor of Cal­i­for­nia. They are look­ing for the can­di­date that the peo­ple may back and the per­son they can use to engi­neer the coup. They need to pave the way for Biden out. They have the exit ready, it’s called the stair­way exit. The Amer­i­can peo­ple dont believe that Joe Biden won the elec­tion. They did every­thing in the coup to get you to believe that Joe Biden won. If cor­rup­tion is in place and we wont have a fair elec­tion. You will be able to get the Amer­i­can peo­ple to believe that Gavin New­som won the elec­tion. There could be some small town may­or out there that could be the can­di­date.
  • The Max Blu­men­thal video on Ukraine. The Amer­i­can peo­ple have been robbed and lied too. He found where mon­ey has gone from the social secu­ri­ty in Ukraine. We paid off the Ukraine debt that Black­rock held. Biden called the Active Forces to sup­port the Oper­a­tion Atlantic Resolve, which was cre­at­ed by Oba­ma in 2014, when Rus­sia invad­ed Crimea. They are writ­ing Joes his­to­ry piece. The deal has always been that he runs 1 term.
  • Trump increased NATOs rev­enue and improved their equip­ment. There was a time that the Amer­i­cans ran NATO. Trump is an incred­i­ble nego­tia­tor. Every time there is an indict­ment Trump’s poll num­bers go up.
  • Two states with the high­est home­less­ness are New York and Cal­i­for­nia. 42% of home­less are in those two states.
  • Win­ners and Losers

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