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ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — The Farce Behind Bidenomics

  • Peo­ple are fired up that they do not want to vote on these machines. The move­ment is so strong that it might change and the machines will be removed. But the root of the prob­lem is the peo­ple in charge and the mon­ey.
  • They could­nt get Hunter for the cocaine because of the blind spot in the White House. There was a blind spot at the DNC on Jan 6.
  • Repub­li­cans have the mes­sage. The media keeps try­ing to sell the nar­ra­tive that the coun­try is divid­ed. What won the 2016 elec­tion was the small towns. With Main­or hav­ing the guts switch­ing par­ties, may show a path for oth­ers to do the same.
  • The home­less encamp­ment just got a swim­ming poll in LA. The bribes have already start­ed. They would­nt allow tables on side­walks dur­ing the pan­dem­ic but yet they allow tents to fill the side­walks.
  • Bide­nomics. The media is telling us that infla­tion is under con­trol. The Bud­get deficit near­ly tripled in the last 9 months. It was adver­tised that the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act and the Infra­struc­ture Act was going to reduce the deficit. The inter­est on the debt is reach­ing $1Trillion. This is what Bide­nomics is not the farce and fan­ta­sy of the great things he has done. If Infla­tion is down, what about the prices? Prices are 16% high­er than when Biden took over. Our finan­cial prob­lems are climb­ing faster than we real­ize.
  • Biden has a plan to open health­care to ille­gal aliens with 25 mil­lion Amer­i­cans with­out health­care. He will do it by exec­u­tive order if it does­nt pass thru con­gress.
  • There is 10.1 mil­lion unfilled jobs. Job lev­els are at 1977 rates.
  • EV sales are about 6.5%. 51% of cus­tomers are con­sid­er­ing EV. Tes­la is expand­ing. They have 3 months of inven­to­ry. Com­bus­tion engines are over 100 days sup­ply of vehi­cles. We dont have the grid to sup­port the EV. We need more nuclear plants and coal fired plants. Once these plants are closed the per­mits to build them again will nev­er hap­pen. Chi­na can have all the coal pow­ered plants but we cant. We are send­ing our resources to Chi­na. The emis­sions that the US has cut Chi­na has tripled. Remem­ber the Chips Act? Chi­na has all the min­er­als to make the chips.

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