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Democrats Are Not At Home With Freedom

  • There was a spe­cial grand jury assem­bled in Atlanta and they did­nt have any charg­ing abil­i­ties. Now the grand jury will be giv­en charg­ing instruc­tions. The grand jury is not look­ing for guilt. They are look­ing to see if there is enough there to indict to have a tri­al. We will prob­a­bly see in August to have indict­ments for Trump.
  • The cred­i­bil­i­ty of Hunter Biden infor­mant is chal­lenged. He is charged for not fil­ing as a for­eign agent just as he was about to turn evi­dence over on the Biden Crime Fam­i­ly.
  • Democ­rats are just not at home with Free­dom
  • Zelen­sky is not hap­py with NATO.
  • Zelen­skyy: Its unprece­dent­ed and absurd when time frame is not set nei­ther for the invi­ta­tion nor for Ukraines mem­ber­ship. While at the same time vague word­ing about con­di­tions is added even for invit­ing Ukraine. This means that a win­dow of oppor­tu­ni­ty is being left to bar­gain Ukraines mem­ber­ship in NATO in nego­ti­a­tions with Rus­sia. And for Rus­sia, this means moti­va­tion to con­tin­ue this ter­ror. Uncer­tain­ty is weak­ness. And I will open­ly dis­cuss this at the sum­mit.
  • Do you real­ly think NATO would allow Zelen­sky to be part of the club?
  • Ron DeSan­tis says he will not be Don­ald Trump’s VP. Trump is not con­sid­er­ing DeSan­tis as the #2 guy. The Deep State is so wor­ried about Trump right now. They are beg­ging the Trump slay­er to run as pres­i­dent. The donor class is call­ing for Kemp to get into the race. Trump will not attend any of the debates. Kemp on the world stage at Davos they wel­comed him as the great Trump slay­er.

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