Georgia Is Ready To UnPlug! And Bring Paper Ballots To GA
- There are so many people that are working together to bring paper ballots to GA. Last night there was a demo in spalding county.
- The current system is unnecessary, burdensome and complicated. We have the opportunities to save the rural counties a lot of money by going to paper ballots. The Sec of State is saying that they cant do a patch on the machines because they have to go to 44,000 machines. The system that we have has a 2007 operating system. To upgrade each machine would have to be upgraded and the election management servers would have to be junked and purchased a new server. GA is the only state that is using the current software version.
- The media is highlighting GA elections and Brad Raffensperger as the election guru.
- For the county that is in fear out there, there is a system out there that will walk you through the process of switching to paper ballots. The county attorneys are being paid to avoid risk. But what they need to understand is that paper ballots are less risky than the machines and less costly than the current system.
- Find out when the board of elections meetings and the board of commissioners meetings are. You have to activate the people in the community. Use the slides that are available