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Your Witness Ready To Testify Against You, Then DOJ Charges Your Witness

  • If your wit­ness is ready to tes­ti­fy against you then what you do is have your DOJ bring up charges against your wit­ness.
  • If you think Joe is on his way out, it is pos­si­ble Joe is cement­ing his great pres­i­den­tial run in defeat­ing Don­ald Trump. Joe has all the pho­to ops at NATO. Swe­den is a part of NATO
  • We want to unplug GA. And we want to go to paper bal­lots. Last night in spald­ing coun­ty they had a mock paper bal­lot count­ing so it would work just as fast as machines. David Cross attend­ed this event and will be on the show to give a break­down of what the event was like.
  • I want a pres­i­dent that will pros­e­cute these peo­ple.
  • An Israeli pro­fes­sor who claims to have giv­en evi­dence to the FBI about Biden fam­i­ly cor­rup­tion is charged by the DOJ with arms traf­fick­ing and vio­lat­ing IRan sanc­tions as he remains on the run. DOJ weaponized by the deep state to pro­tect the Biden Crime fam­i­ly.
  • Just a reminder, IRS WB Shap­ley email Octo­ber 7, 2022 Weiss stat­ed that he is not the decid­ing per­son on whether charges are filed. I believe this to be a huge prob­lem — incon­sis­tent with DOJ pub­lic posi­tion and Mer­rick Gar­land tes­ti­mo­ny.
  • Mer­rick Gar­land is a liar and has made false state­ments. What is the out­come so Joe can get the for­eign pol­i­cy achieve­ment? Joe can­not win the Gen­er­al elec­tion. What they are doing for the his­to­ri­an and for the per­son that fol­lows Joe, they are try­ing to put a final spin on his pres­i­den­cy to give Joe achieve­ments. They are try­ing to give him the best exit pos­si­ble. Joes suc­ces­sor has to be believ­able, that Amer­i­cans believe that the can­di­date won the elec­tion when the deep state steals the elec­tion. Joe is fin­ish­ing off his pres­i­den­cy in NATO and Gavin New­som is next in line for the demo­c­rat par­ty.

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