Home / News / We are Tired of the Proxy War with Ukraine

We are Tired of the Proxy War with Ukraine

  • We are tired of the proxy war with Ukraine and we are upset with MTG for vot­ing for the debt ceil­ing increase. When 4.5 bil­lion of tax­pay­er mon­ey is used to pya off Ukraines Black­rock debt. And we have law­mak­ers will­ing to raise the debt ceil­ing, tak­ing mon­ey from our grand­kids grand­kids mon­ey.
  • Repub­li­cans tear into Biden for admit­ting the US is low on ammu­ni­tion after agree­ing to send con­tro­ver­sial clus­ter muni­tions to Ukraine to improve their sup­plies. They are over there blow­ing through ammo. Their coun­terof­fen­sive is lit­tle if any. Zelen­skyy is meet­ing with Biden. Zelen­skyy is going on the media say­ing that he will not talk to Putin at all unless all the Ukraine ter­ri­to­ry includ­ing Crimea is returned.
  • Russ­ian mer­ce­nary leader Prigozhins com­man­ders met Putin after short-lived mutiny, pledged loy­al­ty. Just 5 days after stag­ing a short-lived rebel­lion, Prigozhin com­man­ders met with Putin and pledged loy­al­ty to the gov­ern­ment. The Wag­n­er group retreat­ed out of Ukraine head­ed to Rus­sia in a coup attempt. Rus­sia has­nt lost any ter­ri­to­ry to a Ukrain­ian coun­terof­fen­sive. Dont you think Wag­n­er group would have left a path to gain ter­ri­to­ry. You dont live to tell the sto­ry when you go up against Putin.
  • There are 2 dis­tricts in GA that are con­cern­ing. The sec­ond dis­trict was redrawn in a way that repub­li­cans can take the dis­trict. San­ford Bish­op (D) has been in office for 30 years. The 6th dis­trict was redrawn and it is red. Cobb com­mis­sion­er eyes bid for GA 6th dis­trict. South Forsyth coun­ty is one of the fastest grow­ing areas in the US with minor­i­ty vot­ers and is turn­ing blue.
  • Grand jurors who will con­sid­er Trump charges to be select­ed Tues­day.
  • Ask your law­mak­ers what they got for this amount of mon­ey. And who are they inter­est­ed in sup­port­ing the locals in the com­mu­ni­ties or the GA cham­ber of com­merce. Why did Rick Jasperse get so much more than the oth­er law­mak­ers?

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