Home / News / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — Democrat Voters Dont Get To Pick Their Nominee

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — Democrat Voters Dont Get To Pick Their Nominee

  • RFK was try­ing to make a point that it is against the law to believe what he believes and the democ­rats would bring it back to Trump and take the state­ments out of con­text. Vivek was defend­ing RFK on Jesse Waters last night. RFK is the rene­gade in the demo­c­rat par­ty. The only thing that he is doing is express­ing the free­doms that we should have as Amer­i­cans.
  • Demo­c­rat vot­ers do not get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pick their nom­i­nee. If they dont find some­one to run instead of Biden, RFK may get the nom­i­na­tion. The democ­rats make their deci­sion despite what the pub­lic feels.
  • The media does­nt want you to know the back­ground on IRS whistle­blow­er Joseph Ziegler so they are able to dis­cred­it him. Ziegler is a senior crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tor and under­stands the laws. They had the inter­views set up to fur­ther the inves­ti­ga­tion at the time that Biden was the nom­i­nee and were shut down. Every­thing they found was a felony.

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