Home / News / GA Will Be The Closer For Donald Trump, IF GA Ruling Class Has Their Way

GA Will Be The Closer For Donald Trump, IF GA Ruling Class Has Their Way

  • This is the first thing they do every sin­gle morn­ing. The take­down of Don­ald Trump. The Grand Jury could vote today on whether to indict Trump in DC.
  • McCarthy: Biden probes ris­ing to the lev­el of impeach­ment inquiry. The impeach­ment inquiry talk is smoke and mir­rors. This is so Kevin McCarthy can go around the base and say impeach­ment and the base will applaud. Many of the peo­ple are play­ing a role in Trump’s last act.
  • We have the NY indict­ment and then we go down to Mia­mi for the indict­ment for the doc­u­ments. Then we go to DC to get the indict­ment for J6.
  • We know the goal is to com­plete­ly stop Trump. We are get­ting close to the goal. It is done inten­tion­al­ly. Why is it then GA? They plan to keep Trump in court for the entire cam­paign.
  • They are already chang­ing the per­cep­tion on how you feel on a dai­ly basis about your life, your finances, your future. While they put Trump in a box.
  • Last week the com­mu­ni­ca­tions direc­tor that will be on the Ron DeSan­tis cam­paign is still work­ing for Bri­an Kemp. There is a rea­son why Fani Willis’ indict­ments are last. There have been some motions filed to dis­miss the case with Fani Willis. There have been some delays that move it to the finale. Bri­an Kemp is con­sid­ered the Great Trump Slay­er, world­wide in repub­li­can cir­cles. He denied Trump his request to have Doug Collins as Sen­a­tor, he pushed back dur­ing the 2020 elec­tion, dur­ing COVID, dur­ing the 2022 elec­tion. The repub­li­can rul­ing class of GA has con­trol and they are pow­er­ful. You are going to watch the tri­al in GA and the media fren­zy in GA and they are leav­ing it up to The Great Trump Slay­er to end Trump.
  • Iowa cant stop Trump. South Car­oli­na cant stop Trump.

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