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Militarizing and Monetizing Climate Change

  • We have a repub­li­can rul­ing class in GA and they dont want to give up pow­er. Every­thing we talk about is about the Pow­er they dont want to give up.
  • The real slav­ery that is hap­pen­ing in this world.
  • FBI offi­cials tes­ti­mo­ny: Some­body from Twit­ter essen­tial­ly asked whether the lap­top was real. And one for the FBI folks who was on the call did con­firm that, yes, it was, before anoth­er par­tic­i­pant jumped in and said, no fur­ther com­ment.
  • They are try­ing to move the atten­tion off the Biden cor­rup­tion. Nev­er for­get Mil­i­ta­riz­ing and mon­e­tiz­ing.
  • The top sto­ry in the media was its sum­mer and its hot. High­light­ing Ker­ry and his cli­mate envoy went to chi­na Why did Kissinger go to Chi­na?
  • They arent con­sid­er­ing abor­tion, slav­ery, bor­der, drugs but we must save the coral reef.
  • Hunter Biden called Joe at least 24X dur­ing busi­ness meet­ings with clients when his father was VP, first sons ex-best friend will tell Con­gress.
  • We need to have more government/affordable hous­ing to mon­e­tize this cli­mate change. They have no inter­est what­so­ev­er in return­ing to a cap­i­tal­ist sys­tem. This elec­tion is it. Equi­ty zon­ing, exclu­sion­ary zon­ing. Show a plan to get rid of exclu­sion­ary zon­ing and the depart­ment of trans­porta­tion the bid will be upgrad­ed. DOT — safe­ty, eco­nom­ic, equi­ty, cli­mate,
  • TX offi­cials face a dead­line to enter talks with the DOJ on remov­ing float­ing bor­der bar­ri­ers in Rio Grande. They arent going to talk to the DOJ about Biden or his son. Greg Abbott (TX Gov): Texas has the sov­er­eign author­i­ty to defend our bor­der, under the US Con­sti­tu­tion and the Texas Con­sti­tu­tion. We have sent the Biden Admin­is­tra­tion numer­ous let­ters detail­ing our author­i­ty, includ­ing the one I hand-deliv­ered to Pres­i­dent Biden ear­li­er this year.
  • What slav­ery is ok? The one that the Democ­rats and the Deep State ignore and attack. The Left attacks Sound of Free­dom because it expos­es an uncom­fort­able Truth about Moral bound­aries. Our cul­ture wants com­plete sex­u­al free­dom but ignores the neg­a­tive fall­out that hap­pens when those free­doms are abused. This mod­ern day slav­ery is accept­able by the pedophiles.

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