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Slavery Is Not Acceptable Back Then or Now

  • The dis­gust­ing pedophiles that are try­ing to select the slav­ery and steal­ing the kids from fam­i­lies. And the ones that are mon­e­tiz­ing and mil­i­ta­riz­ing cli­mate change.
  • Kamala takes a tweet out of con­text and the media runs with it as if it was real.
  • In his­to­ry some slaves were able to gain skills and were able to take their skills and put val­ue to them to either buy their free­dom or run away and use their free­dom in the north. It was repub­li­cans that end­ed this scar on Amer­i­ca. But the oth­er slav­ery of our kids is accept­able.
  • Instruc­tion includ­ed how slaves devel­oped skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their per­son­al ben­e­fit.
  • This is com­plete­ly made up! moment furi­ous CNN pan­elist tears apart Kamala Har­ris for claim­ing FL wants to teach kids black peo­ple ben­e­fit­ed from slav­ery.
  • African Amer­i­can schol­ars wrote the text. Joe Bidens cor­rup­tion is so deep that they will ignore it but believe Joe has to leave. We are going to get the John­son moment where he will not run for reelec­tion and wish Kamala well. Joe will nev­er stand tri­al.
  • The judge throws out the case because the con­sti­tu­tion does­nt give the par­ents rights over their kids. 3 NJ school sys­tems are suing because par­ents deserve to know the kids are tran­si­tion­ing. The gov­ern­ment wants to take over the rights of our chil­dren.
  • House GOP squeezes McCarthy on WWI­II-lev­el spend­ing fight. There are 12 appro­pri­a­tion bills that may come togeth­er for an omnibus bill.
  • Kemp is get­ting involved in DeSan­tis’ cam­paign. Cody Hall is join­ing the DeSan­tis cam­paign as a senior com­mu­ni­ca­tions advis­er. He will remain a top polit­i­cal advi­sor to GA Gov Bri­an Kemp.

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