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MSM Look Here — Trump Indictment, Dont Look Here — Transition Your Kids

  • This is the look over here so you dont see this.
  • Anoth­er indict­ment for Trump. Fake elec­tors charged in MI. Think about the words they use plot, fake they destroy these peo­ple. There are 16 in GA and 16 in MI. They work to destroy their lives.
  • US sol­dier detained in North Korea. 23 yo pri­vate sec­ond class. Served as cav­al­ry scout in the army since Jan 2021, received Nation­al and Kore­an defense ser­vice medals. They are going to run the sto­ry that he just ran into North Korea.
  • This is what they want to keep from you. It is very dan­ger­ous and scary that the gov­ern­ment is weaponiz­ing them­selves against the peo­ple. The found­ing fathers warned against the gov­ern­ment going after the peo­ple. The sec­ond amend­ment is there in case the first amend­ment does­nt work. The found fathers knew that the peo­ple may have to revolt against the gov­ern­ment.
  • Is what the MSM wants to keep from you. Who is ok with that? Not the par­ents, they dont feel it is ok that the school hides the stu­dents tran­si­tion. The moth­er of a 5th grad­er, who can­not get a tat­too, drink, vote, is allowed to tran­si­tion behind the moth­ers back. She sues the school sys­tem. It is not polit­i­cal or anti LGBTQ, it is about tak­ing the youth from the child. The US Dis­trict Judge dis­missed the case stat­ing he does­n’t know that the con­sti­tu­tion pro­tects the par­ents over the rights of the chil­dren.
  • Gov­ern­ment wants to tell you to nev­er ques­tion them again. Nev­er ques­tion elec­tions, the tran­si­tion­ing of our kids
  • Trump slams spe­cial coun­sel after receiv­ing tar­get let­ter in 2020 elec­tion inter­fer­ence inves­ti­ga­tion.
  • In GA the rul­ing class head­ed by Bri­an Kemp will his hate for Don­ald Trump and David Shafer. Will he stand up for the elec­tors that will be indict­ed? Gov Bri­an Kemp can call the state parole board to say that if David Shafer, Don­ald Trump and all oth­ers that will be indict­ed to par­don them.
  • DC Draino: Michi­gan AG charges 16 Trump elec­tors with felonies for send­ing alter­nate elec­tors. Heres video of a van drop­ping of 100s of thou­sands of bal­lots around 3am in Detroit with­out any GOP mon­i­tors. Where are the felonies for these elec­tion steal­ers?
  • Every day cit­i­zens who bought the lie will have to face the con­se­quences. The first amend­ment free­dom of speech and the sec­ond amend­ment is there in case we need to revolt against a tyran­ni­cal gov­ern­ment.
  • We remem­ber and know what hap­pened sur­round­ing the 2020 elec­tion. We remem­ber the videos that were released. We remem­ber 2000 Mules and bal­lot har­vest­ing. We remem­ber the Hal­der­man Report and the inse­cu­ri­ty of the machines we use. The call for Paper Bal­lots is real and is loud­er than they want to make you believe.

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