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GA for PaperBallots2024.com

  • We all know about the Hal­der­man Report that point­ed out the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty of the machines has led to the mas­sive effort to go with paper bal­lots in the state of GA and to get rid of the vot­ing machines. The pas­sion for paper bal­lots is real in GA. Law­mak­ers are try­ing to tamp down the pas­sion.
  • The grass­roots is on fire in GA. We have a small win­dow to get rid of the machines in GA.
  • If they cant put you in jail for being at J6 they will con­tin­ue to attack and bank­rupt you.
  • The state leg­is­la­tor is the only way to get this done. The rea­son they dont want to do any­thing is because they are ben­e­fit­ing from the sys­tem. Right now we need peo­ple to call for a spe­cial ses­sion to go to paper bal­lots.
  • We want our leg­is­la­tors to be the hero and lead. The gov­er­nor should ride the paper bal­lot wave and be our hero. This has to be done by the end of Decem­ber. If we dont get it done then we will be going into 2024 with the cor­rupt sys­tem and it will be the end of our Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­lic.
  • This is not to just pro­tect a demo­c­rat vote or a repub­li­can vote this is to pro­tect The vote. We real­ly should have the repub­li­can lead­er­ship in GA should be lead­ing the way to pro­tect our vote. We have the mon­ey, so they should clean it out and have a safe and secure vot­ing sys­tem the peo­ple can trust.

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