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The Cover UP of the Biden Crime Family Continues

  • Remem­ber the GA 2024 repub­li­can rul­ing class, we have a name to add.
  • The cor­po­rate deep state wants to cov­er up the Over­sight Com­mit­tees hear­ings today with the 2 IRS whistle­blow­ers.
  • They are going to cov­er up every­thing they can about the Biden crime fam­i­ly. Biden wont stand a day on tri­al because they will deem him incom­pe­tent. They wont do the 25th amend­ment but they are meet­ing to see how long he will last. He will just not seek re-elec­tion.
  • The Amer­i­can peo­ple need to hear from these whistle­blow­ers.
  • DC Draino: Michi­gan AG charges 16 Trump elec­tors with felonies for send­ing alter­nate elec­tors. Heres video of a van drop­ping of 100s of thou­sands of bal­lots around 3am in Detroit with­out any GOP mon­i­tors. Where are the felonies for these elec­tion steal­ers? https://twitter.com/i/status/1681404641177657345
  • This is what the deep state media wants you to see
  • Trump lawyers and spe­cial coun­sel pros­e­cu­tors debate trail date in clas­si­fied doc­u­ments case. Trumps legal chal­lenges: Tar­get let­ter in J6 probe, Fraud tri­al in NY, Defama­tion case brought by E Jean Car­rol, fal­si­fied busi­ness records in hush mon­ey case.
  • MI AG charges false elec­tors over efforts to over­turn the 2020 elec­tion. Each of the 16 defen­dants has been charged with 8 felony counts: one count of con­spir­a­cy to com­mit forgery — 14 year felony, two counts of forgery — 14 year felony, one count of con­spir­a­cy to com­mit utter­ing and pub­lish­ing — 14 year felony, one coun­ty of utter­ing and pub­lish­ing — 14 year felony, one count of con­spir­a­cy to com­mit elec­tion law forgery — 5 year felony, two counts of elec­tion law forgery — 5 year felony.
  • Clas­si­fied Doc­u­ments Tri­al Date. Judge Aileen Can­non will rule prompt­ly. DOJ wants Dec 11, Trump wants to post­pone. Trump calls Jan 6 probe elec­tion inter­fer­ence after being informed hes a tar­get in the inves­ti­ga­tion.
  • What is real­ly hap­pen­ing:
  • Fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tors have seized the phones of 2024 GOP pres­i­den­tial fron­trun­ner Don­ald Trumps top advi­sors as part of the inquiry into the events of J6. This action comes as Trump said this morn­ing he received a let­ter from Biden Spe­cial Coun­sel Jack Smith stat­ing: I am a TARGET of the J6 grand jury inves­ti­ga­tion, and giv­ing me a very short 4 days to report to the grand jury, which almost always means an arrest and indict­ment. Trump went on to say Joe Bidens AG Mer­rick Gar­land has effec­tive­ly issued a third indict­ment and arrest of Joe Bidens num­ber one polit­i­cal oppo­nent.
  • Demo­c­rat DOJ try­ing yet anoth­er approach to imprison GOP front run­ner and prime polit­i­cal oppo­nent. The Left is beyond Stali­nesque.
  • They are try­ing to put the Amer­i­can peo­ple in fear. This will launch Don­ald Trump high­er in the polls. Decades in prison for sup­port­ing Don­ald J Trump. Fake elec­tor plot. Lead­ing you to believe that the fake elec­tors were try­ing to over­turn the will of the peo­ple and that peo­ple are being pros­e­cut­ed for sup­port­ing Doanld Trump.
  • What they dont want you to see: Is the will of the peo­ple whether or not the kids are going through the wrong puber­ty
  • What they are talk­ing about: IL Supreme Court rules to elim­i­nate cash bail. Demo­c­rat Gov Pritzk­er cel­e­brates court clear­ing rad­i­cal new pol­i­cy that could free more crim­i­nals before tri­al.
  • Moscow launch­es air strikes on Ode­sa for the 2nd night. Remem­ber Rus­sia back­ing out of the grain agree­ment. They dont want to talk about it.
  • Home ener­gy bills to increase by over 10% this sum­mer. Rejec­tion rate for cred­it appli­cants high­est since June 2018 at 21.8%
  • We talked about the repub­li­can rul­ing class 2024 2026. Bri­an Kemp wants to go from gov­er­nor of gA to sen­a­tor of GA in 2026
  • GA Gov Bri­an Kemp meet­ing with McConnell and NRSC chair Daines this week, next GA sen­ate race is in 2026. Bri­an Kemp is meet­ing with GOP Sen­ate lead­ers on the hill this week. And the trip has repub­li­cans in Wash­ing­ton and Atlanta think­ing about 2026.
  • We know that if Don­ald Trump is pres­i­dent it is a bad thing for Kemps Sen­ate bid in 2026 against MTG. It is self preser­va­tion and not about sav­ing the coun­try and doing the right things. On the oth­er hand Kel­ly Loef­fler and Brad Raf­fensperg­er want to be gov­er­nor of GA in 2026. The guy with the best chance is Lt Gov Burt Jones, he is the only state con­sti­tu­tion­al offi­cer that was Trump endorsed. Burt Jones went to the con­ven­tion. He is still a Trump sup­port­ed, grass­roots sup­port­ed can­di­date. The hard core base wants to go to paper bal­lots. Burt Jones has the pow­er to pull some things off. Let’s watch and see what he will do.

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