Home / News / Oversight Committee IRS Whistleblower Testimony is Not Political Theater

Oversight Committee IRS Whistleblower Testimony is Not Political Theater

  • The Over­sight Com­mit­tee is not polit­i­cal the­ater. We have no use for Kevin McCarthy. Will Kevin sup­port the com­mit­tee when it comes time to move for­ward.
  • MTG is doing every­thing she can to stir up the dra­ma to take the dra­ma off her. She wants you to watch her videos. She wants you to think how MAGA she is. She wants you to con­tin­ue to send mon­ey to her cof­fers.
  • The MSM say they cant move away from the 6 hours of tes­ti­mo­ny but for­get to their view­ers. They tend to miss a cou­ple of things.
  • You do real­ize the Bidens dont have a busi­ness and they arent look­ing for a new rev­enue source to grow their busi­ness. The entire Biden fam­i­ly. There is zero rea­son for any­one to pay the Bidens a dime oth­er to gain influ­ence. The democ­rats took every oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring up Jared and Ivan­ka Trump. If you look at the Kush­n­er oper­a­tion, very big busi­ness, and if Jared brought mon­ey into the busi­ness every sin­gle piece of paper is all legit.
  • For some rea­son all the net­works did­nt say that Joseph Ziegler is a demo­c­rat and he is a gay man that said that when push comes to shove you have to do the right thing. Once Biden was the nom­i­nee the inves­ti­ga­tion was shut down and the inves­ti­ga­tors were told not to do the inter­views.
  • The inves­ti­ga­tion went into great detail yes­ter­day that what Hunter Biden did accord­ing to the rules there should have been a felony charge. It was the red line for the inves­ti­ga­tors.
  • Hunter and asso­ciates get­ting $17 mil­lion from 2014 to 2019. When they got to the What­sUP app text to place Joe Biden in the room, the inves­ti­ga­tors were stopped. Ziegler said fol­low the mon­ey. They start­ed see­ing all these inter­na­tion­al trans­ac­tions. The democ­rats kept bring­ing up Ivan­ka and Jared Kush­n­er, it is guar­an­teed that the IRS has looked at all the doc­u­ments for their busi­ness­es. The Biden’s have zero busi­ness­es.

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