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The Indictment Watch Is What CNN and MSNBC Think Is Important

  • There is so much that was said yes­ter­day by both Gary Shap­ley and Joseph Ziegler that showed that the DOJ slow-walked the inves­ti­ga­tion. IRS whistle­blow­er names attor­ney who refused to charge Hunter for tax eva­sion as he reveals he also donat­ed to Joe Bidens pres­i­den­tial run. Sec­ond infor­mant claims felony charges were blocked due to polit­i­cal pres­sure. The attor­ney that refused to charge Hunter donat­ed to Joe Bidens cam­paign. RIS whistle­blow­er X is revealed as gay Demo­c­rat Joe Ziegler as he details how agency lead­er­ship warned him he could­nt ask ques­tions relat­ed to the pres­i­dents son.
  • These guys are in the crime divi­sion in the IRS. They are lead detec­tives inves­ti­gat­ing the mon­ey crimes. They nev­er got to inter­view Hunter. They had already done the leg­work to put the case togeth­er. And it got shut down. They did inter­view one of Hunters asso­ciates that con­firmed the tie to Joe Biden.
  • Pres­i­dent Biden was extreme­ly well known to fed­er­al authrotires inves­ti­gat­ing his son Hunter Biden asd even showed up at an FBI office dur­ing the probe, IRS agent told Con­gress. Democ­rats ask who cares if Hunter Biden and Gal Luft got mon­ey from Chi­nese firm. Elite IRS whistle­blow­ers are brave­ly stand­ing up to the Bidens, DOJ. Ziegler said that a mag­is­trate judge in Delaware had to recuse her­self from the case after mak­ing an inap­pro­pri­ate joke while sign­ing a war­rant. For­eign nation­als gave the Biden fam­i­ly and asso­ciates over $17M.
  • Mark Levin: Hunter Biden did not pay tax­es on over $1.5M. Because the Gar­land DOJ let the statute of lim­i­ta­tions pass on one area of rev­enue, he got away with not pay­ing $125,000 in fed­er­al tax­es and will nev­er have to pay those tax­es. Com­mit­tee Democ­rats are fine with that.
  • The Indict­ment Watch is what CNN and MSNBC think is impor­tant

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