Home / News / They Let $1.5M Unreported Income For Hunter Biden With Tax Revenue Lapse.

They Let $1.5M Unreported Income For Hunter Biden With Tax Revenue Lapse.

  • The Democ­rats com­plete­ly gloss over the fact that Joseph Ziegler is a demo­c­rat and that he said that a spe­cial coun­sel is war­rant­ed into this inves­ti­ga­tion. There were some very good ques­tions from the repub­li­can side but noth­ing from the demo­c­rat rep­re­sen­ta­tives dur­ing the hear­ing.
  • Over­sight Com­mit­tee: Today IRS whistle­blow­ers pro­vid­ed evi­dence reveal­ing how the Jus­tice Depart­ment treat­ed the Bidens dif­fer­ent­ly. Thank you to the two brave whistle­blow­ers, Gary Shap­ley and Joseph Ziegler, for hav­ing tremen­dous courage in com­ing for­ward. From the hear­ing, we learned: — Hunter received mil­lions of dol­lars from Chi­na, Ukraine, and Roma­nia. — There is evi­dence Joe Biden knew and was pos­si­bly involved in his fam­ilys busi­ness schemes. — Hunter Biden should have been charged with a tax felony, not just the tax mis­de­meanor charge. — The assigned pros­e­cu­tors did not fol­low the ordi­nary process, slow-walked the inves­ti­ga­tion, and put in place unnec­es­sary approvals and road­blocks. — The whistle­blow­ers con­firm they were not allowed to fol­low evi­dence that could have led to Joe Biden. — Both whistle­blow­ers con­firmed they had nev­er seen or heard of the FBIs FD-1023 form alleg­ing Joe Biden was involved in a bribery scheme dur­ing their inves­ti­ga­tion. — Both Shap­ley and Ziegler con­firmed they were retal­i­at­ed against. Shap­ley, who is still employed by the IRS, has not heard from his direct super­vi­sor in six weeks. Our inves­ti­ga­tion does­nt end here. @RepJamesComer, @Jim_Jordan, and @RepJasonSmith have called on senior lead­ers at the DOJ, IRS, and Secret Ser­vice to make over a dozen employ­ees avail­able for tran­scribed inter­views who pos­sess infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing alle­ga­tions of politi­ciza­tion and mis­con­duct at their agen­cies with respect to the inves­ti­ga­tion of Hunter Biden. Our com­mit­tees will con­tin­ue to fol­low the facts to pro­vide the answers, trans­paren­cy, and account­abil­i­ty that the Amer­i­can peo­ple demand and deserve.
  • The rules were not fol­lowed. Any­time they found the Joe Biden link and they went to fol­low it they were stopped. The whistle­blow­ers con­tin­ued to say they have the evi­dence to pro­vide.
  • Heather Mullins: This POS (Raskin) just lis­tened to TWO vet­er­an IRS whistle­blow­ers dis­cuss and show in detail Hunter Biden’s finan­cial crimes, ties to CCP owned com­pa­nies, and Joe Bidens poten­tial involve­ment, and he chose to ask them about Trump’s recent indict­ment which they have noth­ing to do with.
  • Mark Levin: Hunter Biden did not pay tax­es on over $1.5M. Because the Gar­land DOJ let the statute of lim­i­ta­tions pass on one area of rev­enue, he got away with not pay­ing $125,000 in fed­er­al tax­es and will nev­er have to pay those tax­es. Com­mit­tee Democ­rats are fine with that.
  • They let $1.5 mil­lion in unre­port­ed income for Hunter Biden with tax rev­enue lapse.
  • The claim that we need all these IRS agents because you the Amer­i­can peo­ple are being screwed out of so many bil­lions a year from tax cheats. But they chose to let $125,000 go. They had the inves­ti­ga­tion, it was ready, it was done.
  • By the time this gets to Joe Biden he will be so damn crazy noth­ing will hap­pen. They are baby proof­ing the White House, Air Force One because Joe Biden is so far gone.

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