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Everything Is Altered That They Report. But They Cant Alter Reality.

  • They are elder proof­ing every­thing for Joe. They dont want his age on full dis­play. They are going to stop the cam­eras in the oval office. They are going to drill down his speech­es to just a few lines. There is a team that is study­ing the words that trip Joe up the most.
  • He is on the road talk­ing about Bide­nomics. Pres­i­dent Biden to vis­it Philadel­phia today.
  • The media is try­ing to get you to believe and how you need to accept it and they are con­fused that you dont get it. They cant adjust the polling on infla­tion show­ing 62% dis­ap­prove. They have to alter the fac­tors to get you to believe the lie.
  • Bloomberg: The Econ­o­my is Going Bidens Way. Now He has to get vot­ers to give him cred­it.
  • Every­thing is altered that they report. But they cant alter real­i­ty. They try to cre­ate a real­i­ty for you. The pres­sure is on for the fam­i­lies. Ener­gy bills are up. Gro­cery bills are up. Gas bills are up.
  • The oth­er thing they are lead­ing you to believe is that Biden can beat Trump. If Trump gets indict­ed a third time, his poll num­bers will go up and pos­si­bly take DeSan­tis out of the race. They want you to believe that the repub­li­cans will take Trump off the tick­et because of his legal trou­bles.
  • Gold­man Sachs: The prob­a­bil­i­ty of a US reces­sion in the next year has fall­en to 20%. Our econ­o­mists say there’s a 20% chance of reces­sion in the next 12 months, down from their pro­jec­tion of 25%.
  • They cant change real­i­ty.

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