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We Have The W In Sight And We Are Not Going To Lose The Vision

  • The can­di­dates that are real­ly get­ting atten­tion are talk­ing about end­ing the Deep State. The peo­ple are start­ing to real­ize that we need to win in 2024. We recruit­ed some­where around 500 peo­ple to get involved in their local precinct.
  • The ener­gy around Vivek was sur­pris­ing among the young peo­ple. The younger gen­er­a­tion with the tech­nol­o­gy that they are exposed to they are able to see some­thing that is fake. And they see that the ener­gy around Vivek is true.
  • The biggest dis­ap­point­ment is that they dont under­stand the way it used to be. The peo­ple that give the script­ed speech­es are iden­ti­cal.
  • TP Action is the grass­roots that the can­di­dates need to speak to because these are the peo­ple that will be doing the work for you on the ground.
  • Build­ing out Turn­ing Point USA to start up chap­ters in the col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties around the coun­try.
  • TP Action is devel­op­ing the largest coali­tion in bal­lot chas­ing. GA is going to be part of the key states that are tar­get­ing bal­lot chas­ing. To turn the occa­sion­al vot­er into a con­sis­tent per­sis­tent vot­er. The chase the vote ini­tia­tive is to make sure we win in 2024.
  • Precinct chair train­ing is com­ing up.
  • The biggest need is to have precinct chairs. WE need to have the infra­struc­ture on the grass­roots base. We need to have peo­ple that we can call that can get out the vote. We are chang­ing the game on our Super Sat­ur­day events, with a few speak­ers and then 2 hours of door knock­ing.
  • Dec 16–19 in Phoenix, AZ next con­fer­ence.
  • So excit­ed for 2024. WE have the W in sight and we are not going to lose the vision

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