Home / News / Summer is Hot — Russia Is Finished?? — Abortions Recruit Military Personnel??

Summer is Hot — Russia Is Finished?? — Abortions Recruit Military Personnel??

  • Remem­ber it is sum­mer It is hot in the desert. Dan­ger­ous south­west heat wave shows no signs of end­ing. The joke of the day is the spe­cial envoy to Bei­jing for 3 days of talks.
  • Every­time we have a Zelen­sky week, then we have a NATO week. We drop sev­er­al mil­lion more in aid because the Ukraine coun­terof­fen­sive is mak­ing moves. How long are we going to be told that Rus­sia is fin­ished? Rus­sia con­trols the water. Black Sea grain deal: Rus­sia refus­es to renew and says no guar­an­tees for ships now. Rus­sia with­draws from Grain Deals. Rus­sia launch­es retal­ia­to­ry drone strikes on Ukraine. Remem­ber a week ago we were pledg­ing clus­ter bombs and all of our ammo. Biden signs to send 3000 men and women to Europe. Have you noticed the map nev­er changes. Russ­ian con­trol of Ukraine. They con­trol the major­i­ty of the water­ways. You are hear­ing that Rus­sia took out a bridge to Crimea. Rus­sia has­nt lost any ter­ri­to­ry that they con­trol and they cut off the grain.
  • White House says it is Pen­tagons sacred oblig­a­tion to help troops get abor­tions: Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil spokesman John Kir­by tears into repub­li­cans and says US mil­i­tary will lose tal­ent if access to the pro­ce­dure is lim­it­ed. You have the Hyde amend­ment, we are not sup­posed to spend any tax mon­ey on abor­tions. It is a shame that Kir­by would lead you to believe that the vol­un­teer mil­i­tary sup­port in recruit­ing and main­tain­ing our mil­i­tary per­son­al on whether we offer abor­tion ser­vices. It has zero to do with abor­tion access but it has more to do with drug prob­lems. They have com­plete­ly rewrit­ten plans in recruit­ment to include wok­e­ness. They have the mon­ey tied to these mil­i­tary bases all over the coun­try. Mil­i­tary bases are finan­cial booms to cer­tain areas. Gov­er­nors dont want to lose these bases. If the Biden admin­is­tra­tion is left to con­tin­ue their ram­page on the fam­i­ly, watch and see them move these bases into areas that dont lim­it abor­tions.

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