Home / News / Why did GA Gov Brian Kemp give Kaitlan Collins that interview at CNN?

Why did GA Gov Brian Kemp give Kaitlan Collins that interview at CNN?

  • Kait­lan Collins inter­viewed Bri­an Kemp, GA Gov­er­nor. Kemp rules out a 2024 run and warns repub­li­cans includ­ing Trump that they cant win GA if they con­tin­ue to spout false elec­tion claims, if he con­tin­ues to do that hes going to lose GA in Novem­ber. Why did Kemp give Kait­lan Collins that inter­view at CNN? Why did he work around very gin­ger­ly if Trump is the nom­i­nee, he would work to get the repub­li­can nom­i­nee the win. In the state of GA there is a hard 30% that believe that 2020 was stolen. He has total­ly writ­ten them off. He cau­tioned him­self and said cen­ter inde­pen­dents. Kemp is going to try to dupli­cate his win for gov­er­nor in 2026 for Sen­ate so we will see what hap­pens with the 30%.
  • Hal­lu­cino­genic mush­rooms may be the blame for US trea­sury sec­re­tary Janet Yellen repeat­ed­ly bow­ing to Chi­nas vice pre­mier after she ordered four por­tions at din­ner (but the chef insists they wer­ent psy­che­del­ic). When Yellen was bow­ing to the Chi­nese he may have been on hal­lu­cino­genic mush­rooms.
  • GA Supreme Court rejects Trump effort to quash inves­ti­ga­tion. Trump is telling you that he is going to end the deep state. They have to stop Trump. Now DeSan­tis there isnt a lot hap­pen­ing in the cam­paign. He is going all in in Iowa as he con­sid­ers IA Gov Kim Reynolds. The pro-DeSan­tis super PAC is set to spend 7‑figures in Iowa tomor­row on an anti-Trump ad that uses an AI gen­er­at­ed ver­sion of Trumps voice. We have told you all along that we are going to deal with AI this elec­tion. Ron is using AI in his next ad. Ron announces that Kim Reynolds may be his run­ning mate. Them Kemp time­ly gives the inter­view at CNN
  • Trump and allies forge plans to increase pres­i­den­tial pow­er in 2025. They are los­ing it today. They have to be strate­gic. The legal the­o­ry rejects the idea that the gov­ern­ment is com­posed of three sep­a­rate branch­es with over­lap­ping pow­ers to check and bal­ance each oth­er. Trump is telling you that he is going to end the Deep State. It would be chaot­ic, said John F Kel­ly, Mr. Trump’s sec­ond White House chief of staff. It just sim­ply would be chaot­ic, because hed con­tin­u­al­ly be try­ing to exceed his author­i­ty but the syco­phants would go along with it. It would be a non­stop gun­fight with the Con­gress and the courts.
  • Uncon­sti­tu­tion­al is all the bureau­cra­cies in place that should have nev­er been there. And these bureau­cra­cies that have put these rules in place that lim­it the Con­gress. In Trump’s sec­ond term he wont have any guard rails. He is deter­mined to bring down the bureau­cra­cies. They think Kemp can fin­ish Trump off in GA.
  • It is an orches­trat­ed effort by the uni­par­ty deep state to save the deep state. Trump wants to fire the peo­ple that make things run, like in our intel agen­cies.
  • There is nev­er a coin­ci­dence. Kemp is try­ing to posi­tion him­self to a sen­ate run in 2026 but if he could put a stop to Trump in GA in 2024. Bri­an Kemp has always main­tained that he exe­cut­ed the oath to the con­sti­tu­tion in the state of GA. Court rejects Trump bid to shut down GA elec­tion case. This is Fani Willis in Ful­ton Co GA, she has said to clear the cal­en­dar in August. It is under­stood that if a felony comes of this case, Trump could­nt par­don him­self of a state case. When Fani Willis indict­ed Don­ald Trump with a felony charge. Kemp, will you par­don Don­ald Trump of the state charges. Kemp hates Don­ald Trump. You have to keep this in mind, if Kemp wants to run for Sen­ate in 2026 it is not good for him if Don­ald Trump is in the White House. Kemp already has his vot­ers picked out. This is about Bri­an Kemp. And if Bri­an Kemp pulls off the final slay­ing of Don­ald Trump. Bri­an Kemp will get the endorse­ment from the Davos world and thinks he can walk right in and be the next Sen­a­tor of GA. Will Kemp par­don Don­ald Trump or will he back Fani Willis say­ing it is his con­sti­tu­tion­al duty.

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