Home / News / BKP Weekly Wrap-up August 11, 2023

BKP Weekly Wrap-up August 11, 2023

  • Bide­nomics is doing hor­ri­ble for the Amer­i­can peo­ple. Its not affect­ing the peo­ple that have a lit­tle mon­ey in the bank but those who are liv­ing pay­check to pay­check, which is the major­i­ty of the Amer­i­can peo­ple, they know the fail­ure of Bide­nomics. Its a hor­ror show on the Amer­i­can peo­ple.
  • They want to send anoth­er $24B to Ukraine.
  • We have the Don­ald Trump pros­e­cu­tion chan­nels, CNN, MSNBC they all have a role to play and they are doing their job. They are to be the court of pub­lic opin­ion and con­vict him. And tell you that these are the dark­est days in our coun­trys his­to­ry. They want to put Trump in jail. The media can­not wait. They are wait­ing for the time when Trump will vio­late the release con­di­tions. And the road­show is com­ing to Geor­gia. It is all planned out to come to Atlanta on Thurs­day of next week.
  • Tuck­er releas­es his inter­view with the Capi­tol Police Chief Sund that was nev­er called before the J6 com­mit­tee. He was incharge of secur­ing the Capi­tol on J6. All charges were dropped for the vio­la­tors dur­ing the Lafayette Square and the riots on the White House where more Capi­tol Police were injured than on J6.
  • At the same time we have 10 banks that have been down­grad­ed, we have our coun­try that has been down­grad­ed, and infla­tion is killing the Amer­i­can peo­ple.
  • Trump wont sign the doc­u­ment to pledge alle­giance to the Repub­li­can par­ty. We arent going to send anoth­er deep state can­di­date to the white house.
  • August 8, 1974 the deep state com­plet­ed what they want­ed to do on Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon was clean­ing house on the deep state bureau­cra­cies. On August 9, 1974 Richard Nixon left the office at noon.
  • Tues­day the indict­ment in Atlanta will drop and Trump will be arrest­ed on Thurs­day.

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