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ICYMI: Military Preparedness Is Climate Change?

  • Tom­my Tub­ber­field is hold­ing up the mil­i­tary pro­mo­tions. But you need to get the facts. This is the first time we don’t have a head of the army and marines. Peo­ple are leav­ing. They know that the next pro­mo­tion is com­ing and white sol­diers will be over­looked for trans­gen­der, minori­ties. Joe is say­ing that we are focus­ing on our mil­i­tary pre­pared­ness by address­ing cli­mate change.
  • Part of Bide­nomics is Joe wants to stop drilling.
  • Past our break­ing point NYC migrant cri­sis could soon cost $12B with the pop­u­la­tion set to dou­ble. NYC’s surg­ing migrant pop­u­la­tion is set to dou­ble by June 2024. Mean­ing the city will be on the hook for 100K home­less migrants, as costs are esti­mat­ed to rise to an eye-water­ing high of $12M over the next three years. The city cur­rent­ly spends a high­ly aver­age of $383 per 25,600 asy­lum seek­er house­holds for hous­ing, food and oth­er ser­vices. With more than 57,300 indi­vid­u­als cur­rent­ly in our care on an aver­age night it abouts to $9.8M a day. Almost $300M a month and $3.6B a year.
  • This is across the coun­try. We are not print­ing fast enough to keep the bor­der open and move us to a social­ist coun­try. This will con­tribute to the eco­nom­ic col­lapse.
  • I nev­er talked busi­ness with Hunter, Biden snaps at the reporter’s lousy ques­tion as he final­ly responds to Devon Archers damn­ing tes­ti­mo­ny. Joe Dined with oli­garchs who paid Hunter. New bank records detail part of the $20M in for­eign cash to the Biden fam­i­ly. Repub­li­cans say Devon Archer and Hunter used the firm to hide for­eign pay­ments.
  • For­eign clients gave Hunter a Porsche, a dia­mond and mil­lions of dol­lars, what did they think they were buy­ing. Joe For Sale. Open for Busi­ness price $20M. A new report from con­gress shows that Biden fam­i­ly mem­bers and asso­ciates made more than $20 mil­lion from for­eign clients while Joe served as VP.
  • DC_Draino: Cant believe we have video of DC cops admit­ting they pre­tend­ed to be Antifa in the crowd on J6 and media still denies this was a set­up. J6 was a hor­nets nest of under­cov­er cops and fed­er­al agents to make sure Pelo­sis mis­sion was accom­plished that day. A Trump impeach­ment, MAGA indict­ments, and a media nar­ra­tive of insur­rec­tion. BREAKING: Cell phone video of DC offi­cer on J6 say­ing we go under­cov­er as Antifa in the crowd Theyre ADMITTING it. How many cops and fed­er­al agents were under­cov­er that day? How many insti­gat­ed vio­lence and prop­er­ty destruc­tion. Release the J6 tapes!

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