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FBI Gets Their Man But Cant Stop Mass Shootings?!?

  • Repub­li­cans, we have the mes­sage. Bide­nomics is a fail­ure.
  • Armed Trump sup­port­er shot dead in FBI raid linked to threats against Biden and top dems. Craig Robert­son, 75, was killed by FBI agents days before Biden is set to vis­it Utah.
  • And this is the guy that the FBI finds. Appar­ent­ly through social media they find that this guy is a threat to the pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed states. And when they go to his house they kill him before they feel he can harm him.
  • Then the FBI will tar­get tra­di­tion­al catholics. Unredact­ed FBI memo con­tra­dicts Christo­pher Wrays claim only a sin­gle field office tar­get­ed tra­di­tion­al Catholics. Mul­ti­ple FBI field offices were involved in the draft­ing of a memo tar­get­ing Catholics as poten­tial domes­tic ter­ror­ists, a new­ly unredact­ed doc­u­ment obtained by House Repub­li­cans reveals. The dis­cov­ery con­tra­dicts tes­ti­mo­ny from FBI Direc­tor Christo­pher Wray, who pre­vi­ous­ly claimed under oath only one field office was involved. This new infor­ma­tion sug­gests that the FBIs use of its law enforce­ment capa­bil­i­ties to intrude on Amer­i­c­as First Amend­ment rights is more wide­spread than ini­tial­ly sus­pect­ed, House Repub­li­cans wrote in a let­ter sent to Wray. FBI lied in their tar­get­ing Catholics as poten­tial domes­tic ter­ror­ists. Memo tar­get­ing Catholics.
  • Spe­cial Coun­sel Jack Smith obtained a secret search war­rant for Trumps Twit­ter. Elon Musk was fined $350K for ini­tial­ly refus­ing to com­ply with the search war­rant. The fil­ing says Smith obtained a search war­rant direct­ing Twit­ter to pro­duce data and records relat­ed to Trumps twit­ter account. The social media giant even­tu­al­ly com­plied. Elon was not going to release the twit­ter account with­out Trump’s knowl­edge. The DOJ want­ed to keep it secret.
  • The FBI and DOJ are going after Trump. The FBI can put out a memo say­ing that Catholics are domes­tic ter­ror­ists. Send agents to intim­i­date moth­ers at board of edu­ca­tion meet­ings. The FBI can­not stop the school shoot­ings, church, or movie the­ater. There is sto­ry after sto­ry that the FBI was noti­fied of poten­tial risks of mass shoot­ings. But the answer is red flag laws and more intru­sion into Amer­i­cans. Look at the threats to the supreme court Jus­tices’ lives.

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