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The American People Know What Fitch Knows

  • They cant do it again. You have to remem­ber that the states were under an exec­u­tive emer­gency pow­er by the gov­er­nors to be able to do what they wished. They are com­par­ing J6 to the Civ­il War, Pearl Har­bor, and it was Don­ald Trump who ruined the rule of law.
  • Oba­ma warns of Trump’s polit­i­cal strengths in pri­vate talk with Biden.
  • When Oba­ma vis­its the White House to talk to Joe, did he go to tell Joe its time to leave.
  • On the same day that info comes out that Oba­ma went to the White House in June. Ron DeSan­tis accepts Gavin New­soms chal­lenge to a live TV debate.
  • Fitch down­grades US sov­er­eign rat­ing. Stocks sink after his­toric US cred­it rat­ing down­grade. The Fitch US rat­ing cut is here to stay, says ana­lyst who worked on S&P. White House blames GOP after Fitch down­grades US cred­it rat­ing. Biden White House fights Fitchs cred­it rat­ing down­grade.
  • Amer­i­cans are in the real num­bers and already know the truth. The gov­ern­ment is in the illu­sion that every­thing is ok putting fake data togeth­er to make you think every­thing is fine. They are try­ing to blame the repub­li­cans.
  • Kamala Har­ris acci­dent­ly spoke the truth. We have a down­grade in cred­it rat­ing. We have the real num­bers in Amer­i­ca. The Amer­i­can peo­ple believe that Bidens poli­cies have hurt them, they know times are tough. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are not see­ing that things are ok. Kamala report­ed that most Amer­i­cans are $400 from bank­rupt­cy. Fitch says we dont think you can pay for your debt
  • Yellen total­ly dis­agrees with Fitchs deci­sion. Remem­ber when Yellen said that the econ­o­my is tran­si­to­ry. She does­nt under­stand why. She said it is puz­zling, say­ing we are the fastest grow­ing econ­o­my in the world.
  • Fitch knows that there will not be a $2.6 T deficit spend­ing in the next 10 years. They know that She is lying that Bideo­nom­ics saved a tril­lion in spend­ing.
  • Why did the debt ceil­ing upset so many peo­ple? We cant even pay the inter­est on the debt. What will we cut to pay the bills? And we have 12 appro­pri­a­tion bills com­ing up in Con­gress. Repub­li­cans need to stand on the stage and point out the spend­ing. Repub­li­cans need to stop the spend­ing.
  • Kemp gives green light for more state spend­ing He is not a repub­li­can, he is estab­lish­ment with R in front of it. Go look at the state of GA and the enor­mous spend­ing in the last 10 years. Anoth­er mas­sive bud­get sur­plus and a grow­ing econ­o­my has Gov Bri­an Kemp telling state agen­cies they can request up to 3% worth of enhance­ments to their bud­gets in the com­ing year. Thats a break from what has become a tra­di­tion of very con­ser­v­a­tive bud­get instruc­tions to state agen­cies in which gov­er­nors tell them not to ask for any­thing new. The GA way is every time the cit­i­zens say some­thing they send out a $500 pat on the head.
  • If the US is not strong then the State is not strong. Every­thing grow­ing in the US econ­o­my that they are lying about it is an illu­sion. They wont admit that the Amer­i­cans have hit the wall. It is all based on print­ed mon­ey. Noth­ing has turned on a cap­i­tal­ist eco­nom­ic sys­tem and they tanked our econ­o­my with COVID.
  • How does the def­i­n­i­tion of con­ser­v­a­tive lead­er­ship and increase spend­ing by 3% go in the same sen­tence? GA cant brag because you took all the print­ed mon­ey.
  • Fitch down­grad­ed us because there has been 0 turn the econ­o­my with­out print­ing the mon­ey.


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