Home / News / The Stage is set for GA to be Trumps last act: Everyone is Coming To GA

The Stage is set for GA to be Trumps last act: Everyone is Coming To GA

  • Tuck­er Carl­son got the footage on J6. They will tell you that Tuck­er was fired over Domin­ion. Tuck­er shows us how they opened the door for the Shaman. And he does an inter­view with the Capi­tol Police Chief that nev­er aired. Tuck­er was blow­ing the cov­er on this indict­ment. And the foren­sic audit on Ful­ton Coun­ty would have blown the cov­er on this indict­ment.
  • There will be the next indict­ment on Trump in GA with oth­ers.
  • GA will be Trump’s last act. Kemp is known as the Great Trump slay­er.
  • Gov Sununu told CNN Tues­day that the indict­ment will lay out how Trump knew he did­nt win the 2020 elec­tion.
  • Kemp is a hero in the RNC. He has Chris Christie, Doug Doocy, Chris Sununu, Karl Rove, Pre­buis, Ron DeSan­tis, Ron­na McDaniel, Mike Pence by his side. Bri­an Kemp has been on TV for the last 4–5 weeks. Nev­er goes after Trump and goes after Biden. He says we have to focus on the future. He said he will sup­port the repub­li­can nom­i­nee and in his mind it would­nt be Don­ald Trump. Kemp thinks he is a shoe in for any­one #2.
  • Mike Pence: Todays indict­ment serves as an impor­tant reminder: any­one who puts him­self over the Con­sti­tu­tion should nev­er be Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States.
  • DeSan­tis says Trump cant win in the gen­er­al elec­tion. DeSan­tis makes a case for elec­tabil­i­ty and his sup­port in bat­tle­ground GA. Trump isnt elec­table.
  • Erick Erick­son is a POS. He has the 12 oclock slot on the radio. He start­ed the Red State Gath­er­ing in 2015. He invit­ed every­one to GA, includ­ing Don­ald Trump. WE have the Trump Megan Kel­ly moment. And Erik­son unin­vites Trump because of his holi­ness. He becomes one of the lead­ers of the Nev­er-Trumpers. He car­ries the Repub­li­can rul­ing class of GA.
  • Con­ver­sa­tion with Gov Bri­an Kemp and Erick Erick­son at Resur­gent Gath­er­ing. They are close. When Kemp calls Erick, Erick car­ries his water.
  • At the last repub­li­can con­ven­tion. Bri­an Kemp, Brad Raf­fensperg­er, and dont rec­og­nize that Chris Carr was there. Dont remem­ber see­ing Jon Burns. The repub­li­can rul­ing class did­nt attend. Bri­an Kemp did not give the GOP $1. We remem­ber when Kemp came out say­ing that the GA GOP was not effec­tive in its cur­rent form until the GOP made amends with the repub­li­can rul­ing class.
  • There is a nev­er-Trumper event com­ing to GA. GA is set up to be Trumps last act. Who would’ve thought that Fani Willis would have held up the indict­ments until August. Won­der why. Is it a coin­ci­dence this Nev­er Trumper event is hap­pen­ing in August? Will she indict Trump a cou­ple of days before this event while there is a mugshot rotat­ing around the lib­er­al net­works.
  • The Erick Erick­son Nev­er Trumper event is a sold out con­fer­ence called The Gath­er­ing, is shap­ing up to be a mag­net for 2024 White House hope­fuls as long as they are not named Don­ald Trump. In atten­dance will be Ron DeSan­tis, Mike Pence, Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy, Nik­ki Haley, Chris Christie, Tom Cot­ton, Jodi Ernst, Glenn Youngkin, Bri­an Kemp. Kemp has donat­ed $100K to be co-host of the event while not donat­ing a dime to the GOP or mak­ing an appear­ance at the GA state con­ven­tion.
  • Bri­an Kemp is the co-host of the Nev­er Trump Event with Erick Erick­son while Trump is going to the jail­house to get a mugshot. It does­nt mat­ter what Kemps approval rat­ing is while he is tak­ing down the coun­try. Set up from the start the major take­down of Don­ald Trump
  • Ful­ton sher­iff says hes ready for pos­si­ble Trump indict­ment. The sher­iff said that if the for­mer pres­i­dent is charged, hed like­ly be booked and pho­tographed just like any oth­er detainee, a process that typ­i­cal­ly hap­pens at the Rice Street jail. They did­nt get the mugshot in NY or in FL. Fani Willis is work­ing to be a nation­al hero. She is a demo­c­rat DA work­ing to be a nation­al hero and you have Bri­an Kemp work­ing to take down Don­ald Trump.

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