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The GA Elite Is Involved In The Recent Indictment Of Trump

  • The GA elite is involved in the recent indict­ment of Trump. Bri­an Kemp, Brad Raf­fensperg­er, and Chris Carr are at the top of the list. Chris Carr wrote the ami­cus brief to stop the audit of Ful­ton Coun­ty. The audit would have shown Brad Raf­fensperg­er a liar, Domin­ion not secure, and it would have not giv­en Jack Smith the evi­dence.
  • There are 48 men­tions of GA in the fed­er­al indict­ment of Trump. What if Chris Carr and Brad Raf­fensperg­er claimed to be repub­li­cans in GA and got out of the way and let Judge Amero and Voter­GA to the audit. The indict­ment yes­ter­day is why you did­nt see those bal­lots. In the case all of a sud­den right before allow­ing the audit, Judge Amero said that Voter­GA did­nt have stand­ing. He went through the case to the point of set­ting the date for the audit before claim­ing that Voter­GA did­nt have stand­ing. It would have proven the cor­rup­tion in Ful­ton Coun­ty. And there would­nt have been any­thing to the case for Jack Smith. Or the case in Ful­ton Co and Fani Willis.
  • It seems just yes­ter­day this was the head­line. DOJ dubi­ous tim­ing to demand Hunter biz pals jail­ing as he preps House tes­ti­mo­ny Arch ene­my Devon Archer, for­mer part­ner of Hunter Biden and Heinz, tes­ti­fies that Joe Biden was on speak­er phone with the busi­ness deal­ings that they had.
  • Yes­ter­day the news cycle was an illu­sion, Hunter Biden sold illu­sion of access to his father, for­mer busi­ness part­ner tells Con­gress. The media is cre­at­ing the illu­sion.
  • Todays head­line: Con­spir­a­cy To Defraud The Unit­ed States Trump indict­ed for elec­tion lies, Jan­u­ary 6
  • If you think for one minute that Kemp, Carr, Raf­fensperg­er that they like Trump. We, the grass­roots, want­ed Her­met Dhillion, and Ron­na McDaniel won. And if you think Ron­na McDaniel likes Trump. They are all wait­ing for Trump to fall. Every time you look at the big sheet of can­di­dates and you won­der how they think they can win. Trump could pull the Biden base­ment stunt and still win if the elec­tion was hon­est. There are a cou­ple of them that are on the attack, Chris Christie and Will Hurd. And there are a cou­ple that are going to be there for that piv­otal moment. The RNC is going to have a debate. Trump isnt going. And Trump is plan­ning a com­pet­ing event with Tuck­er Carl­son.
  • White House hope­fuls head­ing to GA as Trump charges loom.
  • If you are in a war you bet­ter not let your anger over­come your plan­ning. We are in a war so let’s pre­pare. In mid August every sin­gle repub­li­can can­di­date will vis­it GA includ­ing Don­ald Trump. These will go to the nev­er-Trumper par­ties but Trump will go to Ful­ton Coun­ty to get a mugshot.
  • They cant sep­a­rate Trump from you. They cant sep­a­rate MAGA from you. They cant do what they think because we, the MAGA, are before Trump. They cant destroy the bond and they cant sep­a­rate us.

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