Home / News / What if Kemp was to help us to win in 2024? Come out and go against Fani Willis.

What if Kemp was to help us to win in 2024? Come out and go against Fani Willis.

  • They are try­ing to turn the nar­ra­tive. They want you to help them win in 2024. What if Kemp was to help us to win in 2024. Come out and go against Fani Willis. Gives the GOP $100K to help defend David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Cathy Lath­am.
  • GA Kemp becomes GOP King­mak­er despite rift with Trump. Accord­ing to Marth Zoller, RINO con­tes­tant of the week.
  • In GA, repub­li­cans imag­ine a 2024 race with­out Don­ald Trump. Erick Erick­son delib­er­ate­ly steered the con­ver­sa­tion away from Trump while he host­ed the fron­trun­ners top rivals. The race of GA gov­er­nors 2024 bless­ing is under­way.
  • Won­der if they met pri­vate­ly to come up with a plan to go against Fani Willis.
  • GAs Kemp becomes GOP king­mak­er despite rift with Trump. Two-term GA gov­er­nor used GOP con­fab to boost pro­file. The peach state is a must-win bat­tle­ground for repub­li­cans.
  • Gov. Glenn Youngkin and Gov Bri­an Kemp twin­ning. Youngkin says Kemps 2022 pri­ma­ry to gen­er­al vic­to­ry was the first edi­tion of the play­book and they want to repli­cate in VA. Kemp has the play­book, some­body tell Bob­by Bouche
  • Don­ald Trump: How nice, a real­ly beau­ti­ful reunion! Three peo­ple that I indis­putably got elect­ed, 2 gov­er­nors and a VP, Bri­an Kemp of GA, Mike Pence of Indi­ana, and Ron DeSanc­ti­mo­nious of FL, just met, most like­ly to talk about the weath­er or per­haps to dis­cuss how they can stop the weaponiza­tion of GA law, work­ing with the DOJ and oth­ers, against their absolute­ly all time favorite Pres­i­dent. All three have been just won­der­ful, so loy­al and nice. Its great to have friends like this!
  • With friends like this who need ene­mies. But instead it looks like Kemp and Youngkin are dis­cussing the play­book
  • State sen­a­tor could be sus­pend­ed over the Trump indict­ment. Shawn Still could be sus­pend­ed if he is con­vict­ed. Kemp would have to estab­lish a com­mis­sion to rec­om­mend the sus­pen­sion.
  • Many say that the Trump indict­ment is to take the spot­light off of Bidens cor­rup­tion.
  • Mol­lie Hem­ing­way: Wow that is so weird that Pres­i­dent Biden used pseu­do­nyms when deal­ing with his fam­i­ly busi­ness of tak­ing mon­ey from for­eign oli­garchs. I won­der why he did that.
  • Joe Biden has used sev­er­al pseu­do­nyms dur­ing his vice pres­i­den­cy but will the Nation­al Archives give Con­gress the alias-con­tain­ing doc­u­ments. The democ­rats are so wor­ried that the Amer­i­can peo­ple are going to zero in on this cor­rup­tion. They cant do any­thing but try the silent strat­e­gy.
  • What should be most impor­tant to you is that the democ­ra­cy you live in gives the insur­ance the abil­i­ty to raise rates and if you dont have the democ­ra­cy to allow to get the abor­tion you need. For­get about the increase in insur­ance rates.
  • Biden $25M ad blitz tar­gets bat­tle­ground GA.
  • It is all set up. The indict­ment comes, the estab­lish­ment gath­er­ing and then Joe moves in.
  • Biden is vis­it­ing Maui as anger grows because of the gov­ern­ment response. They are ask­ing Biden to declare it a cli­mate emer­gency. Total fail­ure by a demo­c­rat run sys­tem. Kids are burnt alive. Still 1000 peo­ple are miss­ing. And they have the nerve with the right amount of mon­ey we can rebuild bet­ter and greater than ever.
  • Biden faces calls to declare a cli­mate emer­gency as he heads to Maui. Hawaii Gov­er­nor Josh Green: 1000+ peo­ple still unac­count­ed for after dev­as­tat­ing Maui fire.

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