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Everyone Is Working Hard To Get Trump Off The Ballot

  • Trump con­firms he will not be appear­ing in any repub­li­can pri­ma­ry pres­i­den­tial debates on Fox News as spec­u­la­tion grows he will do an inter­view with Tuck­er Carl­son instead.
  • Trump may have the atti­tude that he is ahead of every­one. Biden can­not win the elec­tion with the neg­a­tive econ­o­my. This will not change from now until elec­tion day.
  • They want to con­trol you, they want to do every­thing to make it against the law for you to say that the elec­tion was stolen.
  • Grow­ing num­ber of legal schol­ars say Trump should be banned from the pres­i­den­cy due to his role in Jan 6.
  • Every­one is work­ing hard to get Trump off the bal­lot. They may have a RNC rule that will keep Trump off the bal­lot. The debate is the RNCs sum­mer meet­ing. It is not what hap­pens Wednes­day night, it is what will hap­pen this week. Will the RNC accept Trump as the nom­i­nee or will the RNC work to keep him from run­ning. The view­er­ship will be high because peo­ple are look­ing for plan B.
  • But Trump is run­ning for the White House even if it is from Cell Block C. No amount of punch­es towards Doan­dl Trump will change the polling because the Amer­i­can peo­ple know the elec­tion was stolen. But if Trump is not on the stage then you will be able to hear from the can­di­dates.
  • Michael Knowles pulls back the cur­tain on trans-iden­ti­fy­ing Ukrain­ian mil­i­tary spokesman.
  • Moment key rail­way sta­tion in Rus­sia is hit by a Ukrain­ian kamikaze drone strike. Tak­ing out the line used to trans­port Putins weapons, troops and ammu­ni­tion. New footage of the strike on Solt­sy air­base in Nov­gorod region shows one of Rus­sias nuclear bombers being swal­lowed by an enor­mous fire­ball.
  • Bidens war and the Ukrain­ian laun­dry mat, when they hit the wrong spot in Rus­sia Putin will send one of those tac­ti­cal nukes.

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