OPINION: Something Evil This Way Comes
Submitted by George McClellan
Hell, its already here! Its the Democrat Party in all its evil manifestations of un-American top down government control over a subservient population of ignorant sheep who have been conditioned to accept government promised safety over their own independence, freedom and self-governance. Democrats have metastasized into a cancerous malignancy that eschews basic American values and human decency. They have ruined Americas economy, are destroying America’s middle-class, purposefully filling our cities with millions of non Americans undermining the rule of law, and draining our countrys resources defending the borders of an eastern European country instead of our own borders. They have saddled us with a demented, corrupt career politician with no discernible leadership skills, no idea how to govern except by diktat, tuning Americans into a nation of sheep who now expects the Socialist Democrat government to provide for their daily sustenance. The catch is they will demand we perform as we are told to perform or be punished like China does to its citizens, with a stupid points system that denies services if compliance is ignored. Masks anyone?
Why struggle against daily existence when government promises to provide for us according to our need, so long as we provide to the government according to our ability? Actually, we dont provide according to our ability, they simply take according to their need. Its called income taxes. The Democrat party has turned America into a nation of slugs ignorant of the gift left to us by our founding fathers, the US Constitution. They have left us struggling to maintain the moral standards of our Christian religion and nearly totally dependent on them for our survival, even when they demonstrably cant control a fire destroying an island town. The destruction of Lahaina admittedly, is a small example of the failure of Progressivism, but its an excellent one. We have fallen victim to the siren sounds of grifters, liars and cheats who promise gifts they cannot afford, freedoms to the middle class no longer available and obedience that will be demanded. Have you seen the ads that the government will pay you to install solar panels? Thats money for China. They are even floating the idea of mandating new strain Covid injections for everyone. Its almost too late!
I couldnt imagine a better picture of failed Progressive (Democrat) governance than the near total destruction of Lahaina, Maui. The wee town, basically a native Hawaiian village half filled with howlie’s, (non Hawaiians) is a full blown, prime example of the total failure of Progressive government policies incapable of making advance plans for any disaster emergency other than a Tsunami wave. Tsunami sirens are everywhere yet, as a fire threatened someone deemed the use of the warning sirens unnecessary. A source of water for firefighting never entered their minds because all of the Hawaiian Islands were created by fiery volcanos and Maui had long ago passed beyond the vent that created it. Water therefore was allocated for reasons of diversity to maintain the macadamia, pineapple and coconut groves, that apart from tourism, are Mauis main money making agricultural resources. Apparently, they werent making enough money selling fruits and nuts and turned their eyes to the high rollers of the tourist industry to do their own great reset of the ancient land use policies favoring native Hawaiians. Simply sell off the burned property to the high rollers of the world for their massive enterprises.
I have a feeling we are in the calm before the storm. Joe openly admitted to his crime of soliciting a bribe from the Ukrainian government. The supporting evidence of multiple bank records proving that the Biden’s received millions of dollars from Communist China, Romania, Ukraine and et.al., is surely evidence enough for the majority GOP to at least start impeachment proceedings against Biden and his minions. But we dont have the votes! So what? Neither did the lying Democrats when they twice impeached Trump and spent millions of taxpayer dollars on a Soviet style kangaroo court against President Trump and a near equal amount on a biased committee investigating a peaceful protest turned riotous that Nancy Pelosi, assisted by the FBI, planned and instigated.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get em! (9sept23)