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OPINION: American Is Under Attack

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

By whom? Well, its our Pro­gres­sive Fed­er­al gov­ern­ment doing what they do best, screw up!

Heres an exam­ple: an IRS pen­cil push­er, issued a hand gun, acci­den­tal­ly shoots a fel­low trainee to death at a fir­ing range. The first prob­lem here is that the Con­gress actu­al­ly autho­rized fund­ing for the IRS to spend mil­lions of dol­lars on arms, ammu­ni­tion and SWAT gear for their 87,000 more or less, new hires, all to enhance the mil­i­ta­riza­tion of fed­er­al law enforce­ment against Amer­i­can con­temptible. The pri­ma­ry error of course lies in the shoot­er who appar­ent­ly did­nt lis­ten to range safe­ty instruc­tions to keep his/her gun fac­ing down range at all times until the fir­ing line is cleared. The sec­ondary offend­er is the range mas­ter who should have behaved like a Marine Corps DI to ensure range safe­ty but prob­a­bly did­nt afraid he might harm the trainees feel­ings by scream­ing at them because of DEI man­dates.

Of course, the FBI will go all out inves­ti­gat­ing this inci­dent, find­ing ways to blame Repub­li­cans if they can, but the fact remains, Fed­er­al Law Enforce­ment is already equipped with enough fire­pow­er to pro­vide smash and grab SWAT tac­tics to harass and appre­hend mid­dle class law break­ers even on tax issues. Why more? The DoJs han­dling of a major tax cheat in the per­son­ages of Hunter and Joe Biden speaks vol­ume’s about who the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is going after. Its you and me, cer­tain­ly not Demo­c­rat politi­cians or their issues. Our fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is in dis­ar­ray because they are incom­pe­tent and a com­plete over­haul is required to drag the gov­ern­ment back to the Con­sti­tu­tion­al prin­ci­ples it was found­ed under. Politi­cians need to be jailed for their crimes, not ignored until the time lim­it on their crime expires like the DoJ is attempt­ing to do with Hunter Biden.

Con­sid­er this for the com­mer­cial stu­pid­i­ty that is the grow­ing polit­i­cal-indus­tri­al com­plex: The unwork­able the­o­ry of our sal­va­tion by Green Ener­gy. Push­ing elec­tric vehi­cles on Amer­i­cans for exam­ple, to com­bat glob­al cli­mate change, has already been demon­strat­ed as a non starter, a pig-in-a-poke sort of scheme polit­i­cal­ly designed to enrich Chi­na and reduce Amer­i­cans to penury, thus elim­i­nat­ing the mid­dle class. Its the bat­ter­ies that are the weak link in the EV scheme expect­ed to return Amer­i­can mobil­i­ty back to hors­es and bicy­cles. Bat­ter­ies only store ener­gy, they dont pro­duce it. Long last­ing bat­ter­ies require cer­tain rare met­als of lim­it­ed avail­abil­i­ty, to be made into a ser­vice­able unit. They quick­ly expire in cold weath­er, like the stu­pid wind­mills lit­ter­ing our land­scape, so with­out gov­ern­ment sub­si­dies, the scheme would fail out­right. Just the cost or replac­ing those bat­ter­ies ren­ders the entire EV scheme a fail­ure.

To make mat­ters worse we are now greet­ed with alarm­ing infor­ma­tion that two EV Bat­tery plants, being con­struct­ed in Michi­gan, one exclu­sive­ly paid for by Ford Motor Com­pa­ny, is to employ 2300 peo­ple. Fat chance they will be Amer­i­cans. Already we learn that whole teams of poten­tial employ­ees were trans­port­ed to Chi­na for a pro CCP brain wash­ing ses­sion, pledg­ing their alle­giance to the CCP and its author­i­ty in all things. Pho­tos accom­pa­nied the arti­cle, and not believ­ing Amer­i­cans would under­take such tre­anosus activ­i­ties, a clos­er looks shows all the hap­py work­ers look­ing like Chi­nese, a point denied by the Ford Motor Com­pa­ny.

The costs of fund­ing Ukraines war with Rus­sia is anoth­er expen­sive and unaf­ford­able boon­dog­gle designed to drain the Amer­i­can tax­pay­ers resources. Com­mon sense, sta­tis­tics and devel­oped evi­dence clear­ly reflect that Ukraine can­not win their beef with Rus­sia. Admit­ted­ly, Rus­sia bad­ly mis­judged their ini­tial abil­i­ty to take Kiev in a sin­gle strike los­ing forty miles worth of armored vehi­cles, in the effort and an entire divi­sion of their best sol­diers, an air­borne Spet­z­naz divi­sion that when land­ing at Kiev Inter­na­tion­al Air­port, were total­ly destroyed by alert and alarmed cit­i­zens. Eigh­teen months lat­er, Rus­sia has entrenched in its already occu­pied east­ern Ukraine ter­ri­to­ry, a la WWI, and wont let go. They not stu­pid and as Ukraine runs out of sol­diers, the Rus­sians are not. Theyre not run­ning out of weapons or ammo either. They are work­ing 24/7 to pro­duce ammu­ni­tion, rock­ets, bombs and drones to deliv­er them. War­fare has changed and the US does­nt need to be drawn into anoth­er war we cant afford. We cant afford a con­tin­u­ance of the Pro­gres­sive Demo­c­rat Par­ty either.

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