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We appre­ci­ate all who came down for the press con­fer­ence and ral­ly last week. It was an elec­tric time and an encour­age­ment to us all! Thank you to Sen­a­tor Colton Moore, Rep. Char­lice Byrd, Bruce LeV­ell, Dr. Alve­da King, Angela Stan­ton King and Jen­ny Beth Mar­tin for stand­ing with us. Jared Craig, Bri­an K. Pritchard, David Cross, Gar­land Favorito, Tama­ra Favorito and Sam Carn­line also lend­ed us their voic­es and exper­tise at the ral­ly and for that we are grate­ful. The next newslet­ter will cov­er the ral­ly some more but for now here is thelinkto both events.

You all know this but I will state it again- NOW is not the time to let up. We must keep the pres­sure ON! In an effort to assist you all in doing just that, I have pro­vid­ed some talk­ing points below for you to use in dis­cus­sions with your rep­re­sen­ta­tives, sen­a­tors, the AG, the Gov­er­nor, Speak­er of the House, Major­i­ty Sen­ate Leader and the Sen­ate Ethics Chair­mans offices. BE BOLD and CONSISTENT.

Gov­er­nor Kemp 404.656.1776

AG Carr 404.651.8600

Major­i­ty Leader Sen­ate, Sen­a­tor Gooch 404.656.9221

Speak­er of the House, Rep. Jon Burns 404.656.5020

Sen­ate Ethics Chair­man, Sen­a­tor Max Burns 404.463.1376

ALSO, here is the link for Sen­a­tor Moorespeti­tion.

YESTERDAYRep­re­sen­ta­tive Char­lice Byrd joined many of our amaz­ing allies in Chero­kee Coun­ty to pray for our nation, remem­ber the heroes and vic­tims of the 9/11 attack and serve the grand jury with a peti­tion. Our fight for elec­tion integri­ty requires an all out offen­sive from the grass­roots before it is too late and all across our great state you guys are show­ing up and speak­ing up in this move­ment. ClickTake Action Chero­keeto watch yes­ter­days event.

Its always the few who fight for the many and I am hon­ored to be with all of you doing whats required in this sea­son to secure free­dom.You guys are tru­ly the best.

This twit­ter clip ofColton Mooreembod­ies the fire and pas­sion we all feel about our lead­ers lack of action and fail­ure to uphold their con­sti­tu­tion­al duty. Enjoy!


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