Home / News / The Supreme Court Ruling Could Reshape Ga Congressional Districts

The Supreme Court Ruling Could Reshape Ga Congressional Districts

  • The redis­trict­ing judge, Steven C Jones appoint­ed by Oba­ma the judge of the north­ern dis­trict of GA. The Supreme Ct rul­ing could reshape GA con­gres­sion­al dis­tricts. This fed­er­al judge was watch­ing the out­come of the AL case.
  • A new map sur­faced last week that was rec­om­mend­ed by the plain­tiffs.
  • Brad Raf­fensperg­er and Bri­an Kemp made a deal with Mark Elias with Perkins Coie who rep­re­sent­ed democ­rats. Mark Elias hired Fusion GPS who paid for the fake Russ­ian dossier. Elias serves on the board of advi­sors of Let Amer­i­ca Vote, an org found­ed by for­mer Mis­souri SOS that aims to end vot­er sup­pres­sion. This is the guy that knew the plan to steal GA.
  • The nation­al demo­c­rat redis­trict­ing com­mit­tee, Oba­ma and Eric Hold­er (the first US AG held in con­tempt). Hilary was sup­posed to win to com­plete the mis­sion. The mis­sion is to build the first ever strate­gic hub for a com­pre­hen­sive redis­trict­ing strat­e­gy. Dems push for redis­trict­ing, the push is in 5 states by the end of the year. The redis­trict­ing was done in 2020. Why is it now an issue?
  • In GA we con­tract­ed out our team of attor­neys that were sup­posed to han­dle this because they know vot­ing rights and lost. Our AG could not han­dle this case. They knew the AL case would lay the ground­work.
  • Who was on the bal­lot in 2022? Kemp, Raf­fensperg­er, Carr. They may need those three in office in 2024. Because if repub­li­cans were in charge and Trump los­es in 2024.

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