Home / News / We Hear Unify, Why Hasn’t The RNC Called All The Candidates To Drop Out

We Hear Unify, Why Hasn’t The RNC Called All The Candidates To Drop Out

  • DeSan­tis does­nt stand a chance in IA but the gov­er­nor is going to throw her endorse­ment behind DeSan­tis. And there is going to be a debate on Wednes­day. If we are look­ing for a can­di­date that can win, why con­tin­ue to have debates and endorse­ment for any­one oth­er than Trump. The most impor­tant thing among repub­li­cans is that they have a can­di­date that can beat Biden. Trump is lead­ing in all the swing states.
  • The polling does not incor­po­rate a water main break in Atlanta, bal­lots show­ing up at 3am, a truck dri­ver cross­ing state lines deliv­er­ing pal­lets of bal­lots, fox news call­ing the race min­utes after the polls closed. It does not reflect what they will do to steal an elec­tion.
  • We hear we have to uni­fy, why has­n’t the RNC called the can­di­date to drop out and get behind Trump. We have 4–5 states try­ing to keep Trump off the bal­lot, 91 felony charges.
  • The uni­par­ty will let a repub­li­can win, so you will be led to believe that elec­tions are not stolen. It will be a repub­li­can that they can con­trol.

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