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Believing What They Tell Us, or Not

The World We Leave for Future Generations Will Depend on Our Decisions

Whats Going On in Israel? Who Do you Trust?

I have no idea what is hap­pen­ing in the war between Israel and Hamas. Nei­ther do I know the full truth of the Octo­ber 7 Hamas oper­a­tion, and I doubt you do either. We keep hear­ing the offi­cial nar­ra­tive. We cant escape it. But are we going to trust media reports arriv­ing from the same MSM that lies to us 24/7/365 on every­thing else?

Remem­ber, the pre­dom­i­nant sources inform­ing us on the Gaza con­flict are part of the same corporate/government media mono­lith con­tin­u­ing to sell us that 2020 was the clean­est elec­tion in US his­to­ry, that Ukraines lead­er­ship is vir­tu­ous, that Putin attacked Ukraine unpro­voked. It is the same com­bi­na­tion of insti­tu­tions which, day after day, pub­licly con­vict­ed Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump of col­lud­ing with Rus­sia in 2016, even the same col­lec­tion of infor­ma­tion fab­ri­ca­tors which after 9/11 sold us on the sto­ry that Sad­dam Hus­sein had weapons of mass destruc­tion and was prepar­ing to use them. A list of lies pro­mul­gat­ed toward the Amer­i­can peo­ple by their gov­ern­ment, includ­ing cor­po­rate main­stream media, would have no end. The cor­po­rate main­stream media in Amer­i­ca and around the west­ern world is noth­ing if it is not a whole­sale pre­var­i­ca­tor of 3‑letter agency pro­pa­gan­da. But now, almost laugh­ing­ly, they want us to believe that the facts they inform us of con­cern­ing the events in south­ern Israel and Gaza, stem­ming from those occur­ring on Octo­ber 7, are unas­sail­able.

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Soon after that days events, out trot­ted Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu before the cam­eras. Sure­ly we could trust Bibi. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the Israeli head of gov­ern­ment would be the last per­son Amer­i­cans should trust. As Ipoint­ed out a few weeks ago, in 2002 Bibi Netanyahu trav­eled to Wash­ing­ton, his pur­pose to delib­er­ate­ly lie to Con­gress, con­tend­ing at that time,There is no ques­tion what­so­ev­er, Sad­dam is seek­ing and is work­ing and is advanc­ing toward the devel­op­ment of nuclear weapons, NO QUESTION WHATSOEVER, fur­therinsist­ing,If you take out Sad­dams regime, I guar­an­tee that you will have an enor­mous pos­i­tive rever­ber­a­tions on the region.Arguably, with­out Netanyahus tes­ti­mo­ny, Pres­i­dent George W. Bush would nev­er have been able to apply con­gres­sion­alAuthor­i­ty to Use Mil­i­tary Force(AUMF), enact­ed on the heels of 9/11, to attack Iraq under Sad­dam Hus­sein, who we know had noth­ing to do with 9/11. That res­o­lu­tion has since become Amer­i­c­as per­mis­sion slip to wage per­pet­u­al war against any­one it desires, prac­ti­cal­ly any­where around the globe, should an elect­ed pres­i­dent declare a ter­ror­ist to be in their midst. In so doing, arguably, Bibi Netanyahus 2002 utter­ances have con­tributed more to the death and destruc­tion of inno­cents in the Mid­dle East and else­where, and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, to the prof­its of Amer­i­can and west­ern defense con­trac­tors, than any sim­i­lar state­ments by prac­ti­cal­ly any­one in decades. We must not for­get those kinds of mis­be­got­ten dec­la­ra­tions.

Americas Investment in Israeli Security Came to No Avail on October 7

Speak­ing of prof­its for Amer­i­can and west­ern defense con­trac­tors due to ten­sions aris­ing between Israel and Hamas, how is it that the Amer­i­can-sup­plied-and-paid-for Israeli defense shield failed so cat­a­stroph­i­cal­ly on Octo­ber 7?

Amer­i­cans should be ask­ing why their grand­chil­drens grand­chil­dren are being forced into debt, decades before they are born, to pay for inef­fec­tive defense sys­tems for a nation, not even Amer­i­ca, only to have it fail mis­er­ably on Octo­ber 7 and be told a larg­er invest­ment is now nec­es­sary?

As I said, I real­ly dont know whats going on over there. I do not believe any­one hold­ing much val­ue in report­ing truth knows much either. Yet, it is appar­ent­ly true that the same Ben­jamin Netanyahu, who lied to our con­gress, con­vinc­ing them to com­mence what has since become per­pet­u­al war against all com­ers on a world­wide stage, now, 21 years lat­er, under­takes to pros­e­cute a per­pet­u­al war of his own in Gaza, paid for, once again, by you and me, a cou­ple of Amer­i­can chumps.

I dont like any of this. Can you tell? I expect, if war­ring par­tic­i­pants had to work to pay for their own weapons, the world would be a much more peace­ful place to live.

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Americans Turning Away From Blanket Support of Israel

Recent polls indi­cate Amer­i­c­as tra­di­tion­al­ly-strong sup­port for Israel may be wan­ing as the vio­lence in Gaza some describe as geno­cide con­tin­ues. Here are some of todays head­lines:

Its iron­ic to equate the Jew­ish State with the term, geno­cide know­ing that same state is the par­ty on offense, is it not?

Frankenstein Monsters Regularly Turning on Their Creators

So, I have a ques­tion for you: Why is it that the same Islam­ic orga­ni­za­tions Amer­i­ca and its west­ern allies, includ­ing Israel, work to cre­ate, inevitably turn against their cre­ators? Who assumes their cost of their oper­a­tions? Those are very good ques­tions. The most famous of those orga­ni­za­tions, of course, would be al Qae­da, you know, the Amer­i­can neme­sis cre­at­ed dur­ing the Carter Admin­is­tra­tion, who on 9/11, as report­ed by the US Gov­ern­ment and sup­port­ed by MSM, defeat­ed the entire North Amer­i­can Air Defense Sys­tem, oper­at­ing out of a cave in Tora Bora, ren­der­ing three New York City sky­scrap­ers to pul­ver­ized ash by the end of the day, result­ing in a suit­able excuse for a per­pet­u­al Amer­i­can sur­veil­lance state and war on ter­ror? Yes, THAT al Qae­da.

And now, sim­i­lar­ly, Hamas, orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed by Israeli intel­li­gence, an orga­ni­za­tion designed to com­pete for Pales­tin­ian favor against the influ­ence of Yass­er Arafat, defeat­ed Israels much her­ald­ed Iron Dome defense sys­tem, paid for by you and me, paving the oppor­tu­ni­ty for Netanyahu to com­mence mil­i­tary oper­a­tions in Gaza, again, appar­ent­ly with no end.

And, who can for­get ISIS, anoth­er Islam­ic mil­i­tant orga­ni­za­tion, which if you believe those same sources, man­i­fest­ed out-of-thin-air in the west­ern Iraqi province of Anbar, not coin­ci­den­tal­ly quite near Iraqs bor­der with Jor­dan, so close, in fact, ISIS could have eas­i­ly orig­i­nat­ed on the Jor­dan side of the bor­derif you catch my drift

To that regard, in 2016, then pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Don­ald Trump spoke the truth of ISIS cre­ation on the cam­paign trail. He informed the crowd, Barack and Hillary unleashed ISIS across the world. He was right, speak­ing a truth cer­tain­ly known to me at the time, and which I spoke about to a crowd in Daw­sonville in the fol­low­ing video from Sep­tem­ber 2014.

In the video, I explain exact­ly what the 2003 US-led war against Sad­dam Hus­sein was about, con­nect­ing the dots with doc­u­men­ta­tion. Trump was right. Barack and Hillary unleashed ISIS across the world, a truth you have nev­er heard from the same MSM report­ing to you the nar­ra­tive of the present Israeli con­flict with Hamas. What else are they not telling us about the present sit­u­a­tion?

Did you nev­er won­der how all of those Toy­ota bat­tle wag­ons appeared out of noth­ing in the desert of west­ern Iraq? The local Anbar Toy­ota deal­er­ship must have made a killing the day that order was placed. Par­don the pun, I could­nt resist.

And how did this par­tic­u­lar Toy­ota bat­tle wag­on, pre­vi­ous­ly owned by Mark‑1 Plumb­ing in Hous­ton, Texas, end up being used by ISIS to attack Iraq and Syr­ia?

Stop Allowing Yourself to be Fooled

The Amer­i­can peo­ple have been incred­i­bly fooled, and they con­tin­ue to be fooled. Con­sid­er the fol­low­ing ques­tion: Giv­en the evi­dence, why would any­one expect the Amer­i­can Gov­ern­ment and cor­po­rate media would ever tell them the truth, about any­thing impor­tant? Per­haps we should under­stand and accept the fact that it is not in our own­ers inter­ests for us, the Amer­i­can peo­ple, to know what is tru­ly going on in this world. So, why would any­one expect the gov­ern­ment or their cor­po­rate mouth­pieces to lev­el with them? Its truth time, folks. Your gov­ern­ment is not run by your elect­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives.Your gov­ern­ment is run by rep­re­sen­ta­tives of prof­it-seek­ing cor­po­ra­tions and pow­er-seek­ing finan­cial inter­ests.Your gov­ern­ment pro­vides you with anillu­sionof pub­lic influ­ence over state and nation­al elec­tions, but that is all it is, anILLUSION. Mon­ey cre­ates viable can­di­dates for pub­lic office. If you have enough mon­ey, you can buy a polit­i­cal office. That truth has been proven over and over again.

Geopo­lit­i­cal events are rarely, if ever, accu­rate­ly described by offi­cial government/MSM nar­ra­tives. Heres 4‑Star Gen­er­al Wes­ley Clark telling you every way he would be allowed that ISIS wasNOTan organ­ic Islam­ic move­ment, but instead a state-cre­at­ed, state-sup­port­ed, band of Islam­ic mer­ce­nar­ies for hire.

Clark was right. The only thing he does not tell you is that the pre­dom­i­nant state influ­ence behind ISIS cre­ation hap­pened to be same one Trump informed you about dur­ing his 2016 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, the US State Depart­ment under Oba­ma and Hillary. Hmmmwhen have we seen Wes­ley Clark late­ly?

Backstory of ISIS

After mur­der­ing Libyan leader Muam­mar Qaddafi in 2011, about which Hillary Clin­ton famous­ly cack­led, We came, we saw, he died, with Ambas­sador Christo­pher Stephens act­ing as ship­ping agent, US State Depart­ment inter­me­di­aries trans­port­ed col­lect­ed weapons pre­vi­ous­ly sup­plied to the US-sup­port­ed Libyan rebels, ship­ping them out of Beng­hazi, report­ed­ly through Turkey, to end up at bases in the east­ern Jor­dan desert, where Islam­ic mer­ce­nar­ies were being trained to launch as ISIS against both Syr­ia and Iraq (Remem­ber, ISIS is an acronym forIslam­ic State in Iraq and Syr­ia). Obvi­ous­ly, the so-called Libyan rebels did not care for their weapons being tak­en from them. Ambas­sador Stevens, an unlike­ly arms smug­gler, paid a sim­i­lar price as Qaddafi the year before.

Pri­or to the ini­tial ISIS attacks against Iraq and Syr­ia, reports pub­lished in Amer­i­ca, Great Britain and Ger­many indi­cat­ed that Islam­ic mer­ce­nar­ies were at that time being trained by the US in secret bases in east­ern Jor­dan.



After ISIS was unleashed, Iraqi Prime Min­is­ter Mali­ki called out Amer­i­c­as region­al allies for sup­ply­ing and train­ing ISISmer­ce­nar­iesin the west­ern Iraqi province of Anbar.

For­mer Direc­tor of the US Defense Intel­li­gence Agency, Gen­er­al Michael Fly­nn, fired by Oba­ma, blew the whis­tle on the ISIS oper­a­tion, speak­ing dur­ing an ALJAZEERA inter­view, alleg­ing that the cre­ation of ISIS was a will­ful deci­sion by the Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion, form­ing the basis for can­di­date Trumps lat­er state­ments.

Does any­one now won­der why Gen­er­al Fly­nn, Trumps orig­i­nal choice for Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Advi­sor, had to be removed from the White House and silenced?

Why Is All This History Important Today?

So, why am I shar­ing all this ancient his­to­ry with you now? Sure­ly this is all water over the dam at this point, is it not?

Not at all. Noth­ing has changed. The same peo­ple are in charge, push­ing the same agen­das, using the same false nar­ra­tives, pos­sess­ing the same moti­va­tions, prof­its and pow­er. Sim­i­lar to the events and cir­cum­stances I relate above, we con­tin­ue to see pri­vate, cor­po­rate con­trollers of the levers of Amer­i­can and west­ern gov­ern­men­tal pow­er, using the wealth piled up by past and future earn­ings of their respect­ing peo­ples, to fur­ther their own agen­das, enslav­ing entire pop­u­la­tions to pay for their exploits. Indeed, noth­ing has changed.

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Giv­en these exam­ples, which rep­re­sent a drop in the buck­et of those avail­able, why would any­one trust the news com­ing out of the Biden gov­ern­ment or Amer­i­can main­stream media con­cern­ing events in Israel and Gaza? You got me.

So, believe what they tell you, or dont. Its up to you. But the answer to the ques­tion whether the Amer­i­can peo­ple will con­tin­ue to believe the nar­ra­tives con­tin­u­al­ly fun­neled into their minds, or not, will large­ly influ­ence the kind of world future gen­er­a­tions will inher­it.

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