Rich McCormick Sends Psy-Op Mailer to 6th District Voters
Congressman attempts to get out in front of a firestorm when he casts vote to fund Ukraine
Anticipating a major unforced error of judgment on his part, 6th District US Representative Rich McCormick has decided the best way to cover for what will become avery unpopular votehe plans to cast, is to attempt totransfer responsibility of his misguided choice onto the back of Russian President Vladimir Putin, joining a chorus of congressional Russophobes blaming Putin for bad US policy. This effort is a tantamount psy-op McCormick and others will apparently use to cover their tracks when a bill funding billions to Ukraine comes to the floor. The psy-op is that the 6th District congressman, who is on record portraying himself as a fiscal hawk, willblame Putin for the necessity that he violate his campaign promisesto hold the line on congressional spending. The over-the-top mailer below, sent by McCormick to his district yesterday, notwithstanding its considerable cost, shows how difficult it is to be a true war hawk, and portray ones self as a fiscal hawk at the same time.
According to the mailed circular, the Make Putin Pay Act McCormick supports wouldallow the US to seize all frozen assets related to Russian Oligarchs such as Dictator Vladimir Putin of the Moscow Bank,the proceeds from the sale would be used toreimburse the United States for our aid to Ukraine and beAUTHORIZED TO PAY FOR FUTURE AID
Obviously, McCormick plans to vote to further indebt both present and future generations of American taxpayers to pay for billions more in monetary war-making aid to Ukraine, intending that the decimated country continue to resist in an already-lost war with Russia. McCormicks support for Ukraine is more misguided than I can express in one writing. In my October 2019 article entitled,Ukraine-What Really Happened, you will discover the roots of the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia extend back to certain events in 2014, when in February of that year the Obama State Department, in the person of Assistant Secretary of State of European Affairs Victoria Nuland, instigated a violent coup in downtown Kiev, overthrowing and bannishing Ukraines democratically-elected government, replacing it with a puppet regime, a result even pleasing to the likes of George Soros. The facts concerning the overthrow are well-documented. Not only is it unconstitutional for the US Government to sponsor regime-change operations around the world, but doing so is also a war crime and against international law. Yet, here it is, Rich McCormick, working unapologetically in defiance of both legal and constitutional standards to support the US puppet government at war with Russia.
The 2014 coup is nothing the 6th District representative wants to talk about. Had the unlawful and unconstitutional US overthrow of Ukraine never occurred, there would be no present war between Russia and Ukraine, the latter of the two desperately starving for funds, and no reason to further indebt future generations of Americans to supply them.
The United States has no responsibility to Ukraine for supplying war-making aid at all. The US has no mutual defense treaty with Ukraine. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Furthermore, Ukraine is universally known for its corrupt government and for providing safe haven for international money-laundering operations. Ukrainian oligarchs are no better than Russian oligarchs. Why doesnt the US Treasury take Ukrainian Oligarch assets as well?
When Joe Biden first indicated the US would back Ukraine in its war against Russia, I said at the time, Biden really stepped in it. And when Rich McCormick decided to agree with Biden, and then some, saying Biden hasnt gone far enough, McCormick stepped in it with both feet.
And so now, to cover for a vote he knows will not go over well in the 6th District, but which he obviously deems necessary to satiate certain ulterior purposes, such as perhaps those of corporate backers, Rich McCormick is trying to fool Republican voters to believe the fault of his vote will not be his, but instead the fault of Vladimir Putin. This is just Russia, Russia, Russia all over again. Although the ruse may be somewhat clever, it is a ruse, a psy-op on the voters of the 6th District, which I do not believe the voters will buy.