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Forsyth County Election Integrity Effort Needs Your Help!

Help to Save America Through a Local Effort to Ensure Election Integrity

As one of my sub­scribers, I hope you will help me and oth­ers who are work­ing dili­gent­ly to restore elec­tion integri­ty in Forsyth Coun­ty, Geor­gia. Even if you do not live in Forsyth Coun­ty, you obvi­ous­ly under­stand that Geor­gia is one of the bat­tle­ground states which will deter­mine the 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. Help­ing us to ensure elec­tion integri­ty in Forsyth Coun­ty, Geor­gia now, will aid immense­ly in forc­ing a free and fair elec­tion next year.

One of the ways our adver­saries hold pow­er for them­selves and their cho­sen can­di­dates, regard­less of the will of the peo­ple, is to place their peo­ple onto coun­ty elec­tions boards. Those boards not only run our elec­tions, but they also make deci­sions on vot­er chal­lenges and whether or not to hold MANUAL RECOUNTS after ques­tions are called. That is a lot of pow­er over the final out­comes of state and fed­er­al elec­tions at the local lev­el.

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Here in Forsyth Coun­ty, last Spring it was called to our atten­tion that the lat­est Repub­li­can appoint­ed to the Board of Reg­is­tra­tions and Elec­tions, Mr. Joel Natt, was nom­i­nat­ed for that posi­tion out­side of the man­ner pre­scribed by law. The good ole boys who have been mak­ing these appoint­ments, plac­ing their own can­di­dates onto the board, unlaw­ful­ly, rather than can­di­dates nom­i­nat­ed law­ful­ly by a coun­ty-wide exec­u­tive com­mit­tee of the Repub­li­can Par­ty, have now, appar­ent­ly, placed Mr. Natt on our coun­ty elec­tions board, with­out fol­low­ing the law,for a third time!

No More!

With the sup­port of numer­ous local patri­ots vital­ly inter­est­ed in free and fair elec­tions, the only law­ful­ly-nom­i­nat­ed can­di­date for the Forsyth Coun­ty Board of Elec­tions, Mr. Ste­fan Bar­tel­s­ki, has peti­tioned the Supe­ri­or Court of Forsyth Coun­ty to issue a Writ of Quo War­ran­to, as described by the Geor­gia Leg­is­la­ture underOCGA 9–6‑60.Accord­ing to the law,The writ of quo war­ran­to may issue to inquire into the right of any per­son to any pub­lic office the duties of which he is in fact dis­charg­ing. It may be grant­ed only after the appli­ca­tion by some per­son either claim­ing the office or inter­est­ed there­in.Mr. Bar­tel­skis peti­tion has been accept­ed by the court. Last week, Mr. Natts attor­ney, inci­den­tal­ly,being paid with coun­ty tax dol­lars, respond­ed demand­ing a jury tri­al. Those of us who are sup­port­ing Mr. Bar­tel­skis case will make sure the nec­es­sary legal fees to win this case will be paid. But now, I want to ask you to help us in that regard. Peo­ple are always ask­ing me, What can I do to help save our coun­try? If you have ever won­dered the answer to that ques­tion, won­der no more. This is your chance to help shoul­der the bur­den of ensur­ing elec­tion integri­ty in a state where elec­tion integri­ty is in crit­i­cal need. Watch this video. At approx­i­mate­ly time stamp 3:20, Joel Natt admits that 17% to 20% of the vot­ers on the rolls in Forsyth Coun­ty should­nt be there. That equates to some­where between 29,000 and 34,000 names on Forsyth Coun­ty vot­er rolls, which should­nt be there, and under Natts watch! For this rea­son, it is very pos­si­ble that Forsyth Coun­ty, by itself, turned the 2020 elec­tion in Geor­gia over to Joe Biden.

Click to Hear Joel Natt Agree that 29,000 to 34,000 Names on Forsyth Coun­ty Vot­er Roles, Should not be there.

So, please, my friend and sub­scriber, if you val­ue elec­tion integri­ty at all, and espe­cial­ly in the upcom­ing 2024 elec­tion, help us to remove Joel Natt from our local Board of Elec­tions and to place Ste­fan Bartles­ki, the only law­ful­ly-nom­i­nat­ed can­di­date for that posi­tion, onto the Forsyth Coun­ty Board of Elec­tions. You know that I do not charge for access to my Sub­stacks. I nev­er will because all truth comes free from God and Christ instruct­ed us that we should freely give what we receive. That said, I hope you will remem­ber the bless­ings on your life, open your heart, and your wal­let, and give gen­er­ous­ly to this impor­tant cause. All the mon­ey col­lect­ed will go to pay for efforts to ensure elec­tion integri­ty in 2024. The cost of free­dom is high. Please click on the link below and help us make sure your fam­i­ly and loved ones remain free. Help us to make sure Geor­gias elec­tions will nev­er again be stolen.

Thank you!





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