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Keep One Eye Open: China Outbreak Hitting Children The Hardest

  • Keep one eye open. Look over here Hamas. Look over here Abbi­gayle. Look over here Nik­ki.
  • Chi­na out­break hit­ting chil­dren the hard­est. Anoth­er viral coverup or the effects of Chi­nas dra­con­ian lock­downs. And it is hit­ting chil­dren. Covid did­nt hit chil­dren.
  • In MI Whit­mer signed leg­is­la­tion to elim­i­nate the states fos­sil fuel indus­try and over­ride local deci­sions block­ing green ener­gy.
  • You had the strike, UAW strike. Try­ing to orga­nize GA. The UAW was con­cerned about los­ing their jobs to EV. This is social­ist. The gov­ern­ment cre­ates the cus­tomer and the financ­ing. Bri­an Kemp, Mar­ty and the girls, have jumped right in try­ing to be the EV cap­i­tal of the world.
  • In the fraud case in NY we have always asked where the vic­tim is. Nor­mal­ly what hap­pens, if the bank is defraud­ed in a loan, the bank goes to the DA. A Deutsche Bank exec may have destroyed the NY AG case against Trump. Deutsche bank exec tes­ti­fies loan to Trump was­nt unusu­al.

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