Home / Georgia / Brian Kemp’s Private Political Party Financed Under SB221 Must be Shut Down

Brian Kemp’s Private Political Party Financed Under SB221 Must be Shut Down

Unlimited Corporate Campaign Slush Funds Must No Longer be Tolerated in Georgia

Dur­ing the 2021 Geor­gia Gen­er­al Assem­bly, at the obvi­ous behest of Gov­er­nor Bri­an Kemp, Repub­li­can Sen­a­tors Mullis (R‑53rd), Miller (R‑49th), Dugan (R‑30th), Gooch (R‑51st) and Kennedy (R‑18th) intro­duced a bill which would fun­da­men­tal­ly change the land­scape of Geor­gia pol­i­tics, effec­tive­ly coro­nat­ing Kemp, ele­vat­ing his pow­er from that of mere state gov­er­nor, to that of ver­i­ta­ble state king.SB221, a par­ti­san bill passed by Repub­li­cans in both hous­es along par­ty lines, empow­ered new­ly-crowned King Kemp to accel­er­ate an exist­ing pro­gram appar­ent­ly bent on sup­press­ing the polit­i­cal pow­er of Geor­gias tra­di­tion­al vot­er-cen­tric, grass-roots-based elec­tion sys­tem, and replace it with the pow­er gen­er­at­ed from the solic­i­ta­tion and receipt of vast quan­ti­ties of dol­lars secured from anony­mous donors, who could be sit­u­at­ed lit­er­al­ly any­where in the world.

Bri­an Kemp, Effec­tive­ly Coro­nat­ed King of Geor­gia Under SB221

SB221 was one of those, Gov­er­nors Bills we hear about each year. Even though the gov­er­nor is part of Geor­gias EXECUTIVE branch of gov­ern­ment, rather than LEGISLATIVE branch, for some rea­son not obvi­ous to me, each year the office of Geor­gias gov­er­nor is allowed rep­re­sen­ta­tion in both cham­bers of the Gen­er­al Assem­bly. And each year the gov­er­nor assigns his leg­isla­tive rep­re­sen­ta­tives the task of propos­ing pet leg­is­la­tion, effec­tive­ly coerc­ing bills into pas­sage by the pow­er of the chief exec­u­tives office.

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SB221 is not a ter­ri­bly long or com­pli­cat­ed bill. Its terms come to a point quick­ly, pro­vid­ing exact­ly what the gov­er­nor desired at the time to become law. Judg­ing by events, no changes would be allowed.

SB221 ordained a new cam­paign financ­ing vehi­cle into law, a lead­er­ship com­mit­tee, empow­ered to estab­lish a ver­i­ta­ble slush fund, the size of which would soon dwarf the capa­bil­i­ties of tra­di­tion­al polit­i­cal par­ties or down-bal­lot can­di­dates to raise mon­ey. Here is how the bill defines a lead­er­ship com­mit­tee.

As you can see, a lead­er­ship com­mit­tee real­ly has noth­ing to do with lead­er­ship per se, and one may be con­sti­tut­ed by a sit­ting gov­er­nor or lieu­tenant gov­er­nor, or a par­ty nom­i­nee for either office. But SB221 also opens the door for par­ty cau­cus­es of either leg­isla­tive body to con­sti­tute lead­er­ship com­mit­tees, fur­ther pro­vid­ing:

The pur­pose of a lead­er­ship com­mit­tee is sim­ply to solic­it and receive con­tri­bu­tions, out­side of the tra­di­tion­al cam­paign financ­ing guide­lines, whether in-kind or in cash.

And as we will see, when put to prac­tice by the gov­er­nor the term, per­sons, will not con­fine itself to indi­vid­ual, nat­ur­al peo­ple, but will also encom­pass, legal per­sons, such as cor­po­ra­tions and LLCs. SB221 was care­ful not to define the term, per­sons, pos­si­bly such that it might be thin­ly con­strued by leg­is­la­tors, but broad­ly inter­pret­ed in prac­tice, a rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ple of how they make-the-sausage dur­ing the Geor­gia Gen­er­al Assem­bly.

SB221, a par­ti­san bill passed by Repub­li­cans in both hous­es on par­ty-line votes, empow­ered new­ly-crowned King Kemp to accel­er­ate an exist­ing pro­gram appar­ent­ly bent on sup­press­ing the polit­i­cal pow­er of Geor­gias tra­di­tion­al vot­er-cen­tric, grass-roots-based elec­tion sys­tem, and replace it with the pow­er gen­er­at­ed from the solic­i­ta­tion of vast quan­ti­ties of dol­lars secured from anony­mous donors, who could be sit­u­at­ed lit­er­al­ly any­where in the world.

The pro­vi­sions of SB221 mak­ing this law so extra­or­di­nary are the fol­low­ing, pro­vi­sions which effec­tive­ly remove-the-train­ing-wheels from pre­vi­ous prac­tices of polit­i­cal fundrais­ing, cur­tail­ing any pri­or lim­its on what all those per­sons may con­tribute:

So, there you have it, the real pur­pose of SB221, pos­si­bly not com­plete­ly evi­dent to leg­is­la­tors who vot­ed for it unknow­ing­ly in 2021. In prac­tice, SB221 allows any legal per­son to con­tributeunlim­it­ed fundsin sup­port of then gov­er­nor, now effec­tive­ly king, Bri­an Kemp. And King Kemp has used that fea­ture to its utmost,rais­ing over $50 mil­lion in his Geor­gians First Lead­er­ship Com­mit­tee, as last report­ed fol­low­ing the end of June, 2023.

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SB221 Fast-Tracked Into Law With No Public Hearing

Dur­ing the 2021 Geor­gia Gen­er­al Assem­bly, Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nor Geoff Dun­can fast-tracked SB221 through the Sen­ate, orches­trat­ing its progress with min­i­mal dis­cus­sion, min­i­mal active con­sid­er­a­tion and, impor­tant­ly,NO PUBLIC HEARING.On Feb­ru­ary 22, 2021, SB221 stealth­ily dropped into the Sen­ate hop­per.Wast­ing no time, the next day, Feb­ru­ary 23rd, Dun­can sched­uled the Sen­ates first required read­ing. Once read, rather than refer­ring SB221 to a Sen­ate com­mit­tee for con­sid­er­a­tion and a pub­lic hear­ing, Dun­can bypassed the nor­mal leg­isla­tive process, assign­ing the bill direct­ly to the Sen­ate Rules Com­mit­tee, nor­mal­ly the final step in bring­ing a bill to the floor for a vote. The next day, Feb­ru­ary 24th, Sen­ate Rules returned the bill, favor­ably report­ing it back to the Sen­atewith no changes. The Sen­ate read the bill for a sec­ond time on Feb­ru­ary 25th, and a final time on Feb­ru­ary 26th, com­plet­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion require­ments in the min­i­mum time nec­es­sary under Sen­ate rules. Sen­a­tor Bran­don Beach tem­porar­i­ly delayed the bills final pas­sage, intro­duc­ing a floor amend­ment, which imme­di­ate­ly failed. After the 3rd read­ing, Dun­can brought the bill to a vote and passed it by a mar­gin of 30 to 21. Notably, only three Repub­li­can Sen­a­tors,Bran­don Beach(R‑21st),Greg Dolezal(R‑27th) and (now Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nor)Burt Jones(R‑25th), opposed the bill, along with every Sen­ate Demo­c­rat in the cham­ber.

Par­tial Tal­ly of Geor­gia Sen­ate Vote on SB221, Only Three Repub­li­can Sen­a­tors Vot­ed Against, No Repub­li­can House Mem­bers Would Oppose

SB221 met even less Repub­li­can resis­tance in the Geor­gia House, as Speak­er Ral­ston cleared the tracks for the gov­er­nors rail­road job to pass through. While Democ­rats offered a tray of con­cerns,main­ly regard­ing the ques­tion whether polit­i­cal con­tri­bu­tions could be accept­ed while the Gen­er­al Assem­bly con­vened, no amend­ments or changes made it into the bill. Con­cerns over the issue of receiv­ing con­tri­bu­tions dur­ing the Gen­er­al Assem­bly, which I have heard voiced by leg­is­la­tors as well, appear to be inau­then­tic, a smoke­screen of sorts to hide the true inten­tions of SB221. That is because there is noth­ing writ­ten into the bill to address that con­cern, and one need not leg­is­late the kinds of unbri­dled fund-rais­ing author­i­ties SB221 empow­ers sim­ply to deal with a tim­ing issue. SB221 passed the Geor­gia House on March 18th by aunan­i­mous vote of Repub­li­can House mem­bers. Because the bill remained unchanged from the ver­sion arriv­ing from the Sen­ate, the upper body would nev­er con­sid­er it again. Passed unchanged by both cham­bers, SB221 next pre­sent­ed itself at the gov­er­nors desk, at which it became law with Kemps sig­na­ture on May 4th.

As a result of becom­ing law, SB221 has effec­tive­ly over­writ­ten many of the tra­di­tion­al par­ty-based elec­tion inten­tions pre­scribed in Title 21 of Geor­gia Law, effec­tive­ly can­celling them by virtue of a cor­po­rate-based cam­paign-financ­ing and influ­ence-pur­chas­ing scheme in which donors, their iden­ti­ties shroud­ed behind the veils of cor­po­ra­tions or LLCs, may con­tributeunlim­it­ed sums of mon­ey or valu­able in-kind ser­vices, their names remain­ing unknown for­ev­er, dark mon­ey flow­ing into Geor­gia from all cor­ners of the coun­try, con­ceiv­ably orig­i­nat­ing from lit­er­al­ly any­where, or from any­one around the world. As a result, while most vot­ers have no idea that kind of poten­tial mon­ey-laun­der­ing oper­a­tion would be pos­si­ble under Geor­gia law, the fact is that the pow­er over Geor­gias cam­paign fund-rais­ing process­es, intend­ed and writ­ten into law under Title 21, prac­ticed by all par­ties since antiq­ui­ty, has been clev­er­ly divert­ed away from the peo­ple, and chan­neled to a cor­po­rate-based, anony­mous­ly fund­ed, polit­i­cal mon­ey-rais­ing machine. Sad­ly, in the ensu­ing three years since the bills pas­sage, hard­ly any­one has noticed.

Constitutional Conflicts

Since SB221 becom­ing law, Geor­gias elec­tion sys­tem has been run in notable con­flict with mean­ing­ful require­ments pre­scribed in both the US and Geor­gia Con­sti­tu­tions. Rather than remain­ing part and par­cel of a repub­li­can form of gov­ern­ment, as guar­an­teed under Arti­cle IV, Sec­tion 4 of the US Con­sti­tu­tion, by empow­er­ingcor­po­rate enti­ties to make unlim­it­ed polit­i­cal con­tri­bu­tions from anony­mous sources, those con­tri­bu­tions going direct­ly to the most pow­er­ful elect­ed office holder(s) in state gov­ern­ment, a prac­tice which has the effect of over­whelm­ing the nat­ur­al voice and will of the peo­ple, the State of Geor­gia under Bri­an Kemp has assumed an iden­ti­ty sim­i­lar to that of acor­po­rate-fas­cist state. If you have nev­er heard that term, here is what it means:

CORPORATE FASCISMis a sys­tem under which the peo­ples gov­ern­ment, over time, becomes so heav­i­ly influ­enced by cor­po­rate spe­cial inter­ests, inter­ests which have the means nec­es­sary to pur­chase oper­a­tional influ­ence at the very high­est lev­els of the peo­ples gov­ern­ment, that the gov­ern­ment is for all prac­ti­cal pur­pos­es, even­tu­al­ly tak­en over by those cor­po­rate spe­cial inter­ests. At that point, the gov­ern­ment becomes almost sole­ly a tool of those cor­po­rate spe­cial inter­ests.

The oper­a­tion of a cor­po­rate-con­trolled state gov­ern­ment is in con­flict with the require­ments of any con­sti­tu­tion­al repub­lic, which, as Lin­coln appro­pri­ate­ly described at Get­tys­burg, is strict­ly gov­ern­mentof, by and for the peo­ple.

SB221 is also in prin­ci­ple con­flict with the Geor­gia Con­sti­tu­tion, which rec­og­nizes:



Para­graph I. Ori­gin and foun­da­tion of gov­ern­ment.All gov­ern­ment, of right, orig­i­nates with the peo­ple, is found­ed upon their will only, and is insti­tut­ed sole­ly for the good of the whole.Pub­lic offi­cers are the trustees and ser­vants of the peo­ple and are at all times amenable to them.

Para­graph II. Object of gov­ern­ment.The peo­ple of this state have the inher­ent right of reg­u­lat­ing their inter­nal gov­ern­ment. Gov­ern­ment is insti­tut­ed for the pro­tec­tion, secu­ri­ty, and ben­e­fit of the peo­ple;and at all times they have the right to alter or reform the same when­ev­er the pub­lic good may require it.

Thus, accord­ing to Geor­gias Con­sti­tu­tion, it is sole­ly the right of thepeo­pleto reg­u­late their inter­nal gov­ern­ment, not the right of pri­vate, anony­mous inter­ests whose iden­ti­ties are for­ev­er con­cealed behind a cor­po­rate veil. That is because all true gov­ern­ment is found­ed upon the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE GOOD OF THE WHOLE, not the will of well-heeled, hid­den spe­cial inter­ests.

Who Would Propose Such Egregious Legislation?

Per­haps as much as any action under­tak­en by Bri­an Kemp as Geor­gias Gov­er­nor, his foist­ing of SB221 dur­ing the 2021 Geor­gia Gen­er­al Assem­bly, aid­ed by Gen­er­als Dun­can and Ral­ston con­duct­ing its pas­sage in their respec­tive hous­es, pro­vides Geor­gians, both Repub­li­can and Demo­c­rat, defin­ing insight to under­stand Kemps polit­i­cal inten­tions. Pri­or to SB221, Geor­gias Gov­er­nors seat had long been regard­ed one of the most pow­er­ful in the coun­try. After becom­ing law, SB221 hand­ed Geor­gias new king the where­with­al to eschew any mean­ing­ful inter­ac­tion with, or respon­si­bil­i­ty toward the peas­antry, they being the mem­bers of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty (what­ev­er GRP even means at this point). The pow­er King Kemp pos­sess­es under SB221 tran­scends any pow­er he would have at this point of his gov­er­nor­ship with­out it. With­out SB221, Kemp would be just anoth­er lame duck gov­er­nor. But with it, as I wrote in April,Bri­an Kemp Has Become His own Polit­i­cal Par­ty, Say[ing] ‘FU’ to Geor­gia GOP.Embold­ened by an aver­age annu­al cash flow of tens of mil­lions, much of it con­tributed to Kemp anony­mous­ly from behind cor­po­rate veils, last Feb­ru­ary Bri­an Kemp con­firmed his inten­tions, declar­ing to his assem­bly of elite con­trib­u­tors,We can no longer rely on the tra­di­tion­al par­ty infra­struc­ture to win in the future,rub­bing his new­ly-estab­lished source of polit­i­cal pow­er into the faces of hard-work­ing, rank and file Geor­gia Repub­li­cans.

CORPORATE FASCISM is a sys­tem under which the peo­ples gov­ern­ment, over time, becomes so heav­i­ly influ­enced by cor­po­rate spe­cial inter­ests, inter­ests which have the means nec­es­sary to pur­chase oper­a­tional influ­ence at the very high­est lev­els of the peo­ples gov­ern­ment, that the gov­ern­ment is for all prac­ti­cal pur­pos­es, even­tu­al­ly tak­en over by those cor­po­rate spe­cial inter­ests. At that point, the gov­ern­ment becomes almost sole­ly a tool of those cor­po­rate spe­cial inter­ests.

Below you will find a few rep­re­sen­ta­tive lines from KempsJune 30, 2023 Geor­gians First Lead­er­ship Com­mit­tee dis­clo­sure state­ment:

These are a Few Lines from Kemps Geor­gians First Lead­er­ship Com­mit­tee Dis­clo­sure State­ment for the Elec­tion Year 2022

Who, for exam­ple, are the own­ers of a real­ty com­pa­ny in Cal­i­for­nia, who thought so high­ly of Geor­gias Gov­er­nor Bri­an Kemp as to award him one-quar­ter mil­lion dol­lars in Novem­ber of 2021? From where and from whom did that out-of-state enti­ty, four thou­sand miles from Geor­gia, receive those funds? We dont know the answers to those ques­tions and we nev­er will. Any of these firms, or tens of oth­ers show­ing up onthis report, could rep­re­sent for­eign own­ers and for­eign con­trib­u­tors. Those own­ers or con­trib­u­tors could be in Chi­naor Rus­siaor Ukraine­or even Iran for all we know. The repeal of SB221 is aNATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE.And that is just one of sev­er­al major prob­lems here. Anoth­er is that, pri­or to SB221 pass­ing into law, from any of these enti­ties Bri­an Kemp would have been lim­it­ed to receive a max­i­mum of $7600, an amount which he could use in a par­ty pri­ma­ry, and an equiv­a­lent amount in a gen­er­al elec­tion. There are very few grass-roots Geor­gia Repub­li­cans who can com­pete for a gov­er­nors atten­tion, or favor, against cor­po­rate enti­ties from all over the coun­try, who are send­ing unlim­it­ed amounts of dol­lars, deriv­ing funds from unknown sources, con­ceiv­ably any­where in the world.

Enriched with Dark Money, King Kemp Turned His Back on Working Georgia Republicans

Last sum­mer, King Kemp ignored his respon­si­bil­i­ty as the leader of his par­ty, to address the par­ty faith­ful at the Colum­bus Repub­li­can Par­ty Con­ven­tion. In so choos­ing, His Roy­al High­ness demon­strat­ed to Geor­gia, and the world, that he no longer regards the tra­di­tion­al, Title 21 Repub­li­can Par­ty a viable, polit­i­cal vehi­cle fit for its pur­pose. By virtue of SB221, King Kemp has effec­tive­ly become his own polit­i­cal par­ty, vast­ly more pow­er­ful than any Repub­li­can orga­ni­za­tion in the state. And, obvi­ous­ly, the ambi­tion to become not only the most pow­er­ful gov­er­nor in the his­to­ry of Geor­gia, but also, to take cer­tain pow­er with him when he leaves, are excel­lent rea­sons King Kemp would foist SB221 upon the Geor­gia Gen­er­al Assem­bly in 2021.

Eng­lish His­to­ri­an Lord Acton Got it Right

Where Do Leadership Committee Funds Go After Kemp Leaves Office?

You have heard it many times, You cant take it with you. Gen­er­al­ly that idiom is true. But is it real­ly true in the case of the gov­er­nors lead­er­ship com­mit­tee war chest? No, it does not seem to be true at all. Regard­ing dis­po­si­tion of those funds, accord­ing to SB221,

Thus, SB221 opens the door for King Kemp to trans­fer any remain­ing funds from his Geor­gians First Lead­er­ship Com­mit­tee to a new com­mit­tee, such as one cre­at­ed to sup­port a suc­ces­sor to win coro­na­tion in 2026, for­ev­er behold­en to his or her bene­fac­tor, Kemp. But thats not all. Notice SB221 also allows Kemp to trans­fer remain­ing funds as pro­vid­ed by Code Sec­tion 21–5‑33. So, lets look at what that sec­tion pro­vides.

Accord­ing to SB221, when leav­ing office Bri­an Kemp may do one or all of the fol­low­ing with the remain­ing funds of his lead­er­ship com­mit­tee:

  1. Donate the funds to char­i­ty;
  2. Donate the funds to a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion sub­ject to cer­tain lim­i­ta­tions;
  3. Trans­fer the funds to a polit­i­cal par­ty or anoth­er can­di­date;
  4. Give the mon­ey back to the orig­i­nal con­trib­u­tors;
  5. Trans­fer the funds to a future guber­na­to­r­i­al can­di­date;
  6. Repay him­self for per­son­al funds expend­ed in his polit­i­cal cam­paign;
  7. Trans­fer the funds to a PAC of his choice.

Of those alter­na­tives, choic­es 2, 3, 5 and 7 con­ceiv­ably allow Bri­an Kemp to retain at least loose con­trol over the future use of funds remain­ing in his Geor­gians First Lead­er­ship Com­mit­tee once he is out of office. The pos­si­bil­i­ties are numer­ous. For exam­ple, over the past two years Bri­an Kemp has been estab­lish­ing non-prof­it cor­po­ra­tions, termed Repub­li­can Coali­tions, in coun­ties all across Geor­gia. As we wit­nessed last year, those pri­vate non-prof­its are set up to com­pete against local and coun­ty Repub­li­can par­ties full of MAGA sup­port­ers. To that effect, Kemp appar­ent­ly used his influ­ence to take advan­tage of a loop­hole in a Chero­kee Coun­ty ordi­nance gov­ern­ing the man­ner in which coun­ty elec­tion board mem­bers are appoint­ed, the coun­ty com­mis­sion choos­ing a Repub­li­can Coali­tion Kemp can­di­date to fill that spot rather than a Repub­li­can Par­ty can­di­date, as the law obvi­ous­ly intend­ed. Thus, we see the ground­work Kemp has been estab­lish­ing to sub­tly cor­po­ra­tize coun­ty elec­tion sys­tems around the state. Fur­ther­ing that pur­pose, Kemp could trans­fer cer­tain remain­ing funds to his coun­ty-based Repub­li­can Coali­tion non-prof­it cor­po­ra­tions, or even estab­lish a new non-prof­it cor­po­ra­tion to receive those funds, osten­si­bly out­side of his con­trol.

Kemp could con­ceiv­ably trans­fer the mon­ey to a cam­paign for wife Mar­ty to run for gov­er­nor in 2026. If you think that not cred­i­ble, you were not around when Alaba­ma Gov­er­nor George Wal­lace ran wife Lurleen as a care­tak­er gov­er­nor in 1966. Mrs. George Wal­lace ran and won the elec­tion, but unfor­tu­nate­ly died of can­cer two years lat­er.

Kemp could trans­fer the funds to a PAC of his choice, which, with a nod and a wink from Kemp, would use those funds to sup­port a future run by the for­mer gov­er­nor to become Unit­ed States Sen­a­tor.

Kemp could trans­fer the funds to the Repub­li­can Par­ty, which would be okay under cer­tain con­di­tions, or even anoth­er par­ty he might start up, which would not be okay.

Bri­an Kemp might even use the present influ­ence of his posi­tion to leg­is­late pro­vi­sions, in addi­tion to those orig­i­nal­ly adopt­ed under SB221, to give him addi­tion­al options when his term ends in 2026.

But if you think Geor­gias King Bri­an Kemp might sim­ply walk away from all that mon­ey con­tin­u­ing to flow as we speak into his Geor­gians First Lead­er­ship Com­mit­tee, in excess of $50 mil­lion as of the last report­ing date, June 30, 2023, well, Im not sure you are see­ing the sit­u­a­tion for what it is.

Summary-The Republic Must be Restored

SB221 was passed into law with no input from Geor­gia cit­i­zens. In short, SB221 must be repealed, the funds remain­ing in all lead­er­ship com­mit­tees estab­lished under its pro­vi­sions either pro­rat­ed back to the orig­i­nal con­trib­u­tors, or trans­ferred to NON-INCORPORATED Geor­gia polit­i­cal par­ties, prop­er­ly reg­is­tered as pro­vid­ed under OCGA 21–2‑110. The good peo­ple of Geor­gia have suf­fered cor­po­rate influ­ence sub­vert­ing the pur­pos­es of state gov­ern­ment too long. Their good nature has been tak­en advan­tage by unscrupu­lous politi­cians using the pow­er of unlim­it­ed cor­po­rate fundrais­ing to con­trol the levers of gov­ern­ment, peren­ni­al­ly pro­mot­ing and aid­ing pri­vate inter­ests at pub­lic expense. No more. The time to repeal SB221 is now. I urge all Geor­gians to con­tact their rep­re­sen­ta­tives and sen­a­tors to solid­i­fy a move­ment to repeal SB221 dur­ing the 40 days of the Geor­gia Gen­er­al Assem­bly com­menc­ing Mon­day, Jan­u­ary 8, 2024. SB221 was a rail­road job. The long black train of dark mon­ey must be derailed.

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