Home / Featured Segments / Kim P Brooks — GA Secretary of State CAN, HAS and WILL alter the election!

Kim P Brooks — GA Secretary of State CAN, HAS and WILL alter the election!

  • The Nerds in GA are fight­ing for our indictees that have been false­ly accused by Fani Willis. The Nerds are get­ting smarter. They are build­ing data­bas­es of the vot­er rolls. There are vot­ers that were not on the vot­er rolls at the time of elec­tion in 2020.
  • In 2020 some of the 2019 that were purged made an appear­ance to vote for 2020 and then get removed again.
  • Near­ly 6000 vot­ers that vot­ed on Nov 3 but did not receive cred­it for vot­ing. Almost 27K vot­ers got cred­it for vot­ing but their date last vot­ed was ear­li­er than Nov 3, 2020. And 400 vot­ers that got cred­it­ed for vot­ing but they are tagged as an inac­tive vot­er. Once you vote you get acti­vat­ed and stay acti­vat­ed, how is this the case. There are tens of thou­sands of IDs that were manip­u­lat­ed after the cut off peri­od on Oct 5. They insert­ed IDs after the cut off and then went to delete the crimes.
  • Raf­fensperg­er told the coun­ties that he would take the mass mail­ing of bal­lots to save mon­ey. The Coun­ties did not pay atten­tion because they had giv­en the author­i­ty to the Sec­re­tary of State office. There were requests for bal­lots in Jan 2019 for a Nov 2020 elec­tion. The absen­tee bal­lots were request­ed in batch­es, large batch­es.
  • Precinct Poll Pads are not match­ing the data at the Sec­re­tary of State.
  • Until our vot­er rolls are decen­tral­ized, the machines are Unplugged and we go to hand marked hand count­ed paper bal­lots our elec­tions will not be secure. The Sec­re­tary of State CAN, HAS and WILL alter an elec­tion!
  • You may not be the prob­lem but you are not exempt from the fraud. The fraud could go under the radar until the NERDS find it. The Sec­re­tary of States office is alter­ing our elec­tions.

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