Home / Georgia / Wayback Machine Reveals Last Known Status of Georgia Republican Party, “Before the Corporation”

Wayback Machine Reveals Last Known Status of Georgia Republican Party, “Before the Corporation”

Establishment RINO Republicans Embark on Final Trip to Elephant Graveyard

When I was a kid, there was a clever car­toon series enti­tled,Mr. Peabodys Improb­a­ble His­to­ry.Mr. Peabody, an eru­dite car­toon canine, had a boy named Sher­man, revers­ing the roles one might nor­mal­ly expect, the two effec­tive­ly becom­ing, a dog and his boy.

Mr. Peabody was a self-pro­claimed aver­age genius, a pup­py prodi­gy he would tout. At age 3 (15 to 18 in human years), Mr. Peabody received his car­toon wagna-cum laude degree from Har­vard, spoke eight lan­guages flu­ent­ly, all at once, per­formed secret gov­ern­ment research, and made a for­tune on the stock mar­ket becom­ing known as the Wolf of Wall Street. One day, Mr. Peabody res­cued a boy, Sher­man, who he found in an alley attacked by oth­er stray boys, even­tu­al­ly adopt­ing Sher­man as one might a pet. Need­less to say, Sher­man had much to learn, being the boy of Mr. Peabody, and Mr. Peabody suf­fered Sher­mans lack of brain capac­i­ty, how­ev­er eager dis­po­si­tion, attempt­ing to teach his pet boy all he would need to know to suc­ceed in the world. After all, I sup­pose, dogs dont live as long as boys.

Thanks for read­ing Han­ks Sub­stack! Sub­scribe for free to receive new posts and sup­port my work.

As the premise devel­ops, not­ing that boys need room to play, liv­ing in an apart­ment only large enough for one dog-genius, Mr. Peabody invent­ed a machine which would allow Sher­man to get his exer­cise and teach his young pet boy valu­able knowl­edge of his­to­ry at the same time. Mr. Peabody called it, the Way­back Machine. The Way­back Machine could trans­fer the two back to any pre­vi­ous moment and place in his­to­ry, at which time Sher­man could get his exer­cise while wit­ness­ing his­tor­i­cal events as they occurred. And because Mr. Peabody was a dog teach­ing his­to­ry to chil­dren, rather than an adult, each car­toon was much more enter­tain­ing than it would be oth­er­wise, an attribute which helped to devel­op and main­tain child­hood inter­est in learn­ing his­to­ry.

Sher­man and Mr. Peabody Pre­pare to Enter the Way­back Machine. Click to Watch the First Episode

Cartoon Series Inspires the Name of a Powerful Internet Research Tool

Now, I told you about Mr. Peabody and Sher­man as a sort of segue for you to under­stand from where some of the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion derives. It comes from the Inter­nets Way­back Machine, obvi­ous­ly a take-off on the car­toon. Im no author­i­ty on how it works, no more than Sher­man would be, but, if one desires to find rem­nants, or copies, in whole or in part, of pre­vi­ous Inter­net pages, dat­ing back many years, the place to go would be theInter­net Archive Way­back Machineweb­site. One might not find exact­ly what one is look­ing for, but then again, one might.

Recent­ly, fel­low researcher, Sarah Thomp­son, ven­tured to the Way­back Machine web­site where she dis­cov­ered cer­tain pages relat­ing to sub­jects I have broached in the past. The infor­ma­tion she uncov­ered pro­vides valu­able insight with respect to a false pre­tense main­tained by cer­tain exec­u­tive offi­cers of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty (such as it is), that through some process or pro­ce­dure pre­scribednowhere in law, the Geor­gia par­ty of Lin­coln some­how incor­po­rat­ed itself. I have dis­cussed this sub­ject many times, that no one is at lib­er­ty to incor­po­rate ones self. As they say, to incor­po­rate ones self is not a thing. There is no way to accom­plish such a feat, no process, no pro­ce­dure, no forms to fill out, no fee to pay, etc. It can­not be done. To illus­trate this, lets say I drop in on the Geor­gia Sec­re­tary of States web­site, and fol­low the process of cre­at­ing a Geor­gia cor­po­ra­tion by the name of Hank Sul­li­van, Inc. Accom­plish­ing that goal does not mean that I, Hank Sul­li­van, a liv­ing, breath­ing indi­vid­ual, a nat­ur­al per­son, born of a nat­ur­al moth­er, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly adopt the iden­ti­ty of a cor­po­ra­tion I cre­ate sim­ply by using my name, a cor­po­ra­tion in exis­tence sole­ly by virtue of cer­tain acts by the Geor­gia Leg­is­la­ture and my check­ing a few box­es on a web­site. No, I would still be me, and only me, a legal per­son, my iden­ti­ty ful­ly intact. The prod­uct I cre­ate with the help of the Sec­re­tary of States web­site would be a cor­po­ra­tion, an enti­ty sep­a­rate and dis­tinct from myself. Where­as I could nev­er sell myself, at least not these days, I could indeed sell Hank Sul­li­van, Inc. should I, as its own­er and a will­ing pur­chas­er agree to a price.

And the same truth is applic­a­ble to legal enti­ties cre­at­ed under dif­fer­ent codes of law. One legal enti­ty, a cor­po­ra­tion for exam­ple, in exis­tence sole­ly due to pro­vi­sions in law found in Title 14 of the Geor­gia Code, can nev­er skip or morph across code titles and become an enti­ty exist­ing by virtue of pro­vi­sions of a dif­fer­ent Geor­gia code title, such as Title 21. There is no pro­ce­dure in law to do that. Title 14 gov­erns the cre­ation and reg­u­la­tion of CORPORATIONS. Title 21 gov­erns the cre­ation and reg­u­la­tion of ELECTIONS and POLITICAL PARTIES. Those two Geor­gia code titles, have dif­fer­ent require­ments, dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es, and dif­fer­ent out­comes. They are like apples ver­sus oranges. Can an apple become an orange? I dont have to answer that for most of you, but in case some of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty exec­u­tives are read­ing this and find them­selves puz­zled by the ques­tion, the answer is NO, an apple can­not become an orange. An apple can­not even evolve and become an orange. And nei­ther can a cor­po­ra­tion defined under Title 14 evolve and become a polit­i­cal par­ty as defined under Title 21. Those require­ments are DIFFERENT. They have dif­fer­ent DNA in law. They are dif­fer­ent col­ors of law. That means those legal enti­ties are DIFFERENT from each oth­er, for­ev­er. They can nev­er come togeth­er and become a sin­gle enti­ty, with a match­ing DNA or col­or of law.

But cer­tain exec­u­tive offi­cers of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty to whom I refer, elect­ed to their posi­tions by virtue of pro­ceed­ings at the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Con­ven­tion last June, want you to believe that the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, exist­ing sole­ly via author­i­ties con­veyed many years ago under Title 21, has through some mag­ic not iden­ti­fied or writ­ten in law, meld­ed, or per­haps mor­phed, or evolved into some hybrid ani­mal unde­fined in law, becom­ing one with a cor­po­ra­tion of the same name sim­ply by typ­ing Inc. at the end of the par­ty name in a par­ty rules doc­u­ment, arriv­ing into exis­tence under the aus­pices of Title 14 and Title 21 simul­ta­ne­ous­ly.

Secretary of State Office Cooperating with GRP, Inc. Scam

And all that I describe is appar­ent­ly being orches­trat­ed in con­cert and coop­er­a­tion with the office of Sec­re­tary of State Raf­fensperg­er, whose gen­er­al coun­sel stat­ed her sup­posed belief below thatGRPs cur­rent rules,sat­is­fy thepar­tys fil­ing require­ments under OCGA 21–2‑110 and 111.

Ms. McGowan alludes to the require­ment that, accord­ing to the above ref­er­enced code, a polit­i­cal par­ty must AMEND its reg­is­tra­tion state­ment any time a change in offi­cers, or a change in rules, occurs. That require­ment is laid out in sec­tion 21–2‑110(d) below:

Such a change occurred dur­ing last Junes Repub­li­can State Con­ven­tion.

But, heres the prob­lem. As you will notice, sub­sec­tion (f), refer­ring to sub­sec­tions (a) and (b), requires that a par­ty reg­is­tra­tion state­ment, includeThe names, home address­es, and titles of the per­sons com­pos­ing its gov­ern­ing com­mit­tee and exec­u­tive offi­cers,and it must be filedat least 60 days before any pri­ma­ry or elec­tion at which it shall seek to have can­di­dates on the bal­lot.

Sub­sec­tion (a) also requires sub­mis­sion of cer­ti­fied copies of the par­ty RULES (see below).

A Valid Polit­i­cal Par­ty Reg­is­tra­tion State­ment Must Con­tain Valid Par­ty Rules

Now, if you search the Inter­net for Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty Rules, you will be direct­ed to thegagop.orgweb­site, where you will find apage asso­ci­at­ed with the rulesyou seek. When you click on the link to the RULES page, how­ev­er, you will not find the Rules of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, a polit­i­cal par­ty under Title 21 of the Geor­gia Code. Instead you will find the rules of a cor­po­ra­tion by the same name (just add Inc.), which exists under Title 14. As I have shown over and over in past Sub­stacks, GRP and GRP, Inc. are not the same enti­ties and there­fore can­not fall under the same rules doc­u­ment. The rules or bylaws of some cor­po­ra­tion, regard­less its name, do not suf­fice for the rules of a polit­i­cal par­ty, as required under OCGA 21–2‑110, and vice ver­sa.

Rules of a Geor­gia Cor­po­ra­tion, Not a Geor­gia Polit­i­cal Par­ty

Thus, when Gen­er­al Coun­sel McGowan writes she believes the receipt of the rules to which I refer sat­is­fy the require­ments of OCGA 21–2‑110, her belief is imme­di­ate­ly called into ques­tion by the fact thatno Geor­gia law empow­ers a cor­po­ra­tion to become a polit­i­cal par­ty, nor a polit­i­cal par­ty to become a cor­po­ra­tion. If you dis­agree, please find the law and put it in the com­ments. All author­i­ties for both enti­ties are PRESCRIBED into law. There are no author­i­ties NOT PRESCRIBED in law. Author­i­ties NOT PRESCRIBED, such as the author­i­ty to morph into a dif­fer­ent type of enti­ty, there­fore DO NOT EXIST. In oth­er words, if Gen­er­al Coun­sel McGowan wrote the above state­ment rely­ing on the cor­po­rate doc­u­ment you see on the gagop.org web­site, she appears to have made a mis­take believ­ing as she por­trays.

Thanks for read­ing Han­ks Sub­stack! Sub­scribe for free to receive new posts and sup­port my work.

Why is any of this impor­tant? It is impor­tant because, should the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty be out of com­pli­ance with the require­ments of OCGA 21–2‑110, that fact could mean that the can­di­dates it places on the bal­lots, not only in the upcom­ing pri­maries, but also the Novem­ber gen­er­al elec­tion, could be dis­qual­i­fied by a court. That is because the Repub­li­can Par­ty, por­tray­ing itself as a cor­po­ra­tion, would not be in com­pli­ance with par­ty reg­is­tra­tion require­ments of 21–2‑110 at least 60 days before any pri­ma­ry or elec­tion at which it shall seek to have can­di­dates on the bal­lot.It also means that the asso­ci­at­ed can­di­dates would have been nom­i­nat­ed by, and under the rules of Title 14 cor­po­ra­tions, rather than Title 21 polit­i­cal par­ties, cor­po­ra­tions not endowed the law­ful right to bal­lot access.

And why is that impor­tant? It is impor­tant because if a polit­i­cal par­ty is not in com­pli­ance, accord­ing to sec­tion (f), the names of its can­di­dates willnot be placed on any nom­i­na­tion peti­tion, bal­lot, or bal­lot label.

And as you can see, time has now slipped to with­in the 60-day time frame with­in which a non-com­pli­ant polit­i­cal par­ty could have its can­di­dates dis­qual­i­fied.

The Geor­gia PPP is Now With­in the 60 Day Restric­tion Against Polit­i­cal Par­ties Amend­ing Their Par­ty Reg­is­tra­tion State­ments for Bal­lot Access

Oh, but accord­ing to for­mer Geor­gia Repub­li­can Chair­man David Shafer every­thing is fine because, as he con­tends, the penal­ty for not main­tain­ing a cur­rent reg­is­tra­tion only per­tains to the orig­i­nal reg­is­tra­tion, as far back as the year 1964.

Is the for­mer Chair­man cor­rect? If he is, then there would be no com­pelling moti­va­tion for any polit­i­cal par­ty to ever get around to main­tain­ing its reg­is­tra­tion state­ment. But think about it even deep­er.An inac­cu­rate par­ty reg­is­tra­tion state­ment is no reg­is­tra­tion state­ment at all.And at best, the ques­tion whether there would be any reper­cus­sion should a polit­i­cal par­ty fall out of com­pli­ance with­in the time frames estab­lished by 21–2‑110, could only be resolved in court after a suit would be filed by an aggriev­ed par­ty, pos­si­bly one ques­tion­ing the out­come of a gen­er­al elec­tion. Why would any respon­si­ble par­ty chair­man, such as present Chair­man McK­oon, neglect the sim­ple duty to main­tain a valid, cur­rent reg­is­tra­tion state­ment know­ing that oppos­ing polit­i­cal par­ties could bring suit to dis­qual­i­fy win­ning Repub­li­can can­di­dates in the Novem­ber elec­tion­in­clud­ing, for exam­ple, Don­ald Trump, should the 45th pres­i­dent become the Repub­li­can nom­i­nee.

Thank you for read­ing Han­ks Sub­stack. This post is pub­lic so feel free to share it.


Wayback Machine Revelations

And this is where we begin to look at Ms. Sarahs dis­cov­ery in the Inter­net Way­back Machine. In my Octo­ber 8 Sub­stack enti­tled,Where, Oh Where Has the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty Gone? State of Geor­gia has no records-Take a hint,I demon­strat­ed that pri­or to the 2014 incor­po­ra­tion of Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, Inc. (GRP Inc.), the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty (GRP) was duly reg­is­tered and in com­pli­ance with the Sec­re­tary of State. We know that among oth­er ways rec­og­niz­ing that the par­ty was sued that year, its name and descrip­tion list­ed as a defen­dant in the suit.

I also doc­u­ment­ed for you that nei­ther the Sec­re­tary of State, nor the Geor­gia Archives would recent­ly admit pos­sess­ing any infor­ma­tion what­so­ev­er per­tain­ing to the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty. I wrote:

[I]t appears that for some rea­sonall ref­er­ences to the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty have been wiped clean from pub­lic access by the State of Geor­gia.Yes, the State of Geor­gia appears to have dis­ap­peared the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty from its pub­lic records. When asked under Open Records Requests to pro­vide any reg­is­tra­tion state­ment for the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty dat­ing back to 1964, includ­ing reg­is­tra­tion state­ments by like-named orga­ni­za­tions or cor­po­ra­tions, also to include any fil­ings or arti­cles of incor­po­ra­tion, bylaws, and rules for the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty and the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, Inc., the Sec­re­tary of States ORR records staff ulti­mate­ly answered the fol­low­ing:

In the end, nei­ther the Geor­gia Sec­re­tary of State nor the Archives would pro­vide any infor­ma­tion to fill the open records request.

Thank You Mr. Peabody!

But now, thanks to the Inter­net Way­back Machine and some dili­gent search­ing by Ms. Thomp­son, any­one can step along­side Sher­man into Mr. Peabodys con­trap­tion and view the2013 Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty web­site, such as it exist­ed pri­or to the incor­po­ra­tion of GRP, Inc., which occurred the fol­low­ing year. Here is a linked screen­shot of the home page, as it exist­ed in 2013.

Home­page of the 2013 Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty Web­site

Sight­ing down the par­ty home­page, the 2013 Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty Rules, along with an Excel spread­sheet list­ing the 2013 gov­ern­ing state com­mit­tee, can be accessed by click­ing on the Down­load­able Resources but­ton as it appears here:

There you will find a true, down­load­able dupli­cate of the lastGeor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty Rulespre­sum­ably in exis­tence, rules which were in effect pri­or to the incor­po­ra­tion of GRP, Inc. The rules you will find are authen­tic, as filed with the State of Geor­gia, signed by the par­ty chair­man at the time, John Pad­gett, and stamped RECEIVED by the Elec­tion Divi­sion of the Geor­gia Sec­re­tary of State, May 24, 2013, six days fol­low­ing the amend­ing date of May 18. These were the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty Rules in effect dur­ing the 2014 law­suit. These were the rules in effect on the day, and indeed fol­low­ing the day, and every day after the GRP, Inc. incor­po­ra­tion doc­u­ments were filed. In fact, in the absence of any Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty Rules to super­sede it, the rules you see below and which you can down­load,ARE STILL THE RULES OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN PARTY TODAY, rather than the rules the cor­po­ra­tion pub­lished on its web­site.

When Did the Attempted Incorporation Occur?

Now, some­time between May and July of 2015, Geor­gia Repub­li­can Trea­sur­er Mansell McCord advised the Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion in writ­ing of a name change of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, the new name becom­ing, Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, Inc.

The rea­son offered for the name change, giv­en the FEC in August of that year was sim­ply, We have incor­po­rat­ed.

Because there are no pro­ce­dures empow­ered or pre­scribed in law for a polit­i­cal par­ty to become a cor­po­ra­tion, my best guess is that a Repub­li­can State Com­mit­tee meet­ing was called, at which time the issue of mor­ph­ing the par­ty into a cor­po­ra­tion, as if doing so might be pos­si­ble, was dis­cussed and put to an up or down vote. Frankly, I have no idea what pro­ce­dures or machi­na­tions may have been pro­posed or under­tak­en to attempt that pur­pose, but what I describe makes sense. But I do know one thing, and that is that what­ev­er means those run­ning the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty under­took at the time, those means were not fit for the pur­pose intend­ed. The pur­pose they under­took, when­ev­er or wher­ev­er they did it, can­not be done law­ful­ly. If it could, there would be pro­vi­sions in Titles 14 or 21 explain­ing how to do it.

How to Fix the Problem

Yet, here we are, going on nine years and almost three pres­i­den­tial elec­tions lat­er, these cer­tain peo­ple at the top of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, in coop­er­a­tion with the Sec­re­tary of State, con­tin­ue to push the ruse, or per­haps the scam, that the par­ty is a cor­po­ra­tion and vice ver­sa. Even so, should they even­tu­al­ly choose to reform their ways, there does seem to be a straight­for­ward path out of this cha­rade. So, lets see if we can rea­son that path to rem­e­dy the prob­lem.

First we must suc­cinct­ly state the prob­lem. The biggest prob­lem is that cor­po­ra­tions in Geor­gia do not have bal­lot access. Go ahead, look through Title 14 and tell me where you see that a cor­po­ra­tion cre­at­ed under the Geor­gia Sec­re­tary of State has the right and means to place can­di­dates on a legal bal­lot. Youre not going to find it. Its not there. Thus, if a cor­po­ra­tion tries to place a can­di­date on a bal­lot in Geor­gia, even if the Sec­re­tary of State is com­plic­it, a court chal­lenge by an aggriev­ed par­ty would like­ly be upheld and deny it.

Sec­ond­ly, lets rec­og­nize that at long last, Ms. Thomp­sons arche­o­log­i­cal work has suc­cess­ful­ly unearthed the true Rules of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, effec­tive­ly buried and dor­mant over the past nine years, rules which appar­ent­ly have nev­er been law­ful­ly amend­ed, and which are there­by still in force. Those rules are the ones from 2013, which Ms. Sarah dug up while con­duct­ing research at Mr. Peabodys Way­back Machine.

Third­ly, lets also agree that, regard­less the pro­ce­dures or machi­na­tions par­ty exec­u­tives may have under­tak­en in 2015, activ­i­ties designed to morph the par­ty into a cor­po­ra­tion, those activ­i­ties were unsuc­cess­ful. All that means that the Repub­li­can Par­ty is still the same law­ful enti­ty it was in 2013, oper­at­ing under the 2013 Rules. We con­firm that because polit­i­cal par­ties can­not be destroyed or dis­solved. That is because polit­i­cal par­ties are cre­at­ed under law and there­fore can only be dis­solved under law. But there are no laws offer­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of dis­solv­ing a polit­i­cal par­ty, and no pro­ce­dures even pre­scribed to do it. If we accept the premise that the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty did come into exis­tence law­ful­ly at some moment in the dis­tant past, then it is still there today, albeit out of com­pli­ance with Geor­gia Code.


Final­ly, assum­ing all that to be true, all that must be done to bring the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty back into com­pli­ance would be to amend the 2013 par­ty reg­is­tra­tion fil­ing the fol­low­ing with the Sec­re­tary of State:

  1. The address of its prin­ci­pal office; and
  2. The names, home address­es, and titles of the per­sons com­pos­ing its gov­ern­ing com­mit­tee and exec­u­tive offi­cers.

Those require­ments are spelled out under OCGA 21–2‑110.

And so that no one gets con­fused, the par­ty should also refile the 2013 Rules.

Why Wont They Fix the Problem?

But, Hank, thats real­ly so sim­ple. Why wont par­ty exec­u­tives do what is nec­es­sary to avoid the very real pos­si­bil­i­ty that the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Pres­i­den­tial Pri­ma­ry and the Novem­ber gen­er­al elec­tions might be chal­lenged in races should Repub­li­cans win?

Okay, now we are get­ting down to the crux of all this, the rea­son no one in posi­tion to fix this is inter­est­ed in restor­ing the law­ful sta­tus of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty. All I can do is tell you what I see, which has not changed since I began writ­ing on this sub­ject months ago. I see an attempt by the Geor­gia Repub­li­can estab­lish­ment, the Old Guard if you will, to cor­po­ra­tize our state polit­i­cal sys­tem. I do not think any of them can deny it. What I just wrote is right in front of us. So what do I mean by cor­po­ra­tize?

Put it this way, how would you like a polit­i­cal sys­tem which allows cor­po­ra­tions to use cor­po­rate wealth and influ­ence to place can­di­dates direct­ly onto pub­lic bal­lots? Think about what I just asked for a minute. In 2014, Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty Chair­man John Pad­gett cre­at­ed a cor­po­ra­tion with a like name of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, a cor­po­ra­tion which along with the coop­er­a­tion of Geor­gias sec­re­tary of state, the gov­er­nor, and even the state attor­ney gen­er­al, has since tak­en over the oper­a­tion of plac­ing can­di­dates on a statewide bal­lot. If this cor­po­ra­tion, sep­a­rate and dis­tinct from any law­ful polit­i­cal par­ty, can do that, then why not Delta Air­lines? Why not Geor­gia-Pacif­ic? Why not Lib­er­ty Media, own­er of the Atlanta Braves? Why not Toy­ota or some Chi­nese cor­po­ra­tion? Why not the Clin­ton Foun­da­tion?? Sound crazy? Its not crazy giv­en that there is no dif­fer­ence between John Pad­gett and his suc­ces­sors doing as I describe, and any of those cor­po­ra­tions doing the same thing.

County Republican Coalition Corporations Competing Against County Republican Parties

Take a look at the fol­low­ing web­site,https://cherokeerepublicans.org/

A new­com­er to Chero­kee Coun­ty might look at the URL and believe this web­site, cherokeerepublicans.org, is that of the Chero­kee Coun­ty Repub­li­can Par­ty. Its not. It is the web­site of acor­po­ra­tionestab­lished by crony oper­a­tives of Gov­er­nor Bri­an Kemp. Why did they do that? They did that in Chero­kee Coun­ty, and have incor­po­rat­ed sis­ter Repub­li­can Coali­tion cor­po­ra­tions in at least 22 oth­er Geor­gia Coun­ties where RINO estab­lish­ment con­trol over local polit­i­cal levers have shift­ed to Amer­i­ca First, MAGA Repub­li­cans, the Old Guard mem­bers now out­num­bered to the extent that they have become dis­af­fect­ed. In coun­ty after coun­ty, all over Geor­gia, the Old Guard com­prised of estab­lish­ment, glob­al­ist, RINO Repub­li­cans is being replaced. The num­bers to keep the estab­lish­ment par­ty chiefs in pow­er are no longer there.

So where do all of those dis­af­fect­ed, Old Guard Repub­li­cans go? Bri­an Kemp has giv­en them a place to land, and calls them, Repub­li­can Coali­tion CORPORATIONS. In Chero­kee Coun­ty, one of Kemps Coali­tion can­di­dates won a board of elec­tions appoint­ment over the Amer­i­ca First true Repub­li­can Par­ty nom­i­nees, the Kemp can­di­date being select­ed by a Kemp-sym­pa­thiz­ing coun­ty com­mis­sion. Do you see how this works?

In times past, there would be no way an elect­ed sec­re­tary of state in Geor­gia, Repub­li­can or Demo­c­rat, would have allowed a cor­po­ra­tion to pose as a polit­i­cal par­ty with bal­lot access in Geor­gia elec­tions. But now we have had the same famil­iar faces, start­ing with Bri­an Kemp, now Brad Raf­fensperg­er, in con­trol of that seat since 2010, 14 years ago. We have had two extreme­ly-ques­tion­able-to-fraud­u­lent elec­tions while those offi­cials serve in the high­est offices of Geor­gia Gov­ern­ment. The natives are rest­less. Anti-RINO Repub­li­cans are show­ing up to take seats in coun­ty Repub­li­can Par­ties all over Geor­gia. The Old Guard is des­per­ate to remain in con­trol. With­out coun­ty par­ties to sup­port them, Old Guard pow­er is steadi­ly dimin­ish­ing in the par­ty. And that is the rea­son the pow­ers-that-be are cor­po­ra­tiz­ing our polit­i­cal sys­tems. They are tak­ing steps to pri­va­tize con­trol first over bal­lot access, and then over access to these pri­vate, cor­po­ra­tized polit­i­cal par­ties.

Dont believe me?

Take a look at this. If you desire to become a mem­ber of the Chero­kee Coun­ty Repub­li­can Coali­tion, essen­tial­ly a PRIVATE polit­i­cal par­ty, you cant just walk in and join like you can the Repub­li­can Par­ty. Absolute­ly not. To join the CCRC (Looks like CCCP does­nt it?), you must pass the fol­low­ing tests of wor­thi­ness:

These tests are rem­i­nis­cent of those you would expect to join the par­ty in the old USSR, or maybe the Axis com­bat­ants pri­or to and dur­ing World War II. When the cor­po­ra­ti­za­tion of Geor­gias polit­i­cal sys­tems would be com­plete, your vot­er reg­is­tra­tion would also be severe­ly scru­ti­nized, vet­ted as above to ensure that you will vote as they desire (require). After all, these are pri­vate cor­po­ra­tions vying to decide what can­di­dates can run for office. Because they are pri­vate cor­po­ra­tions, they can law­ful­ly exclude any­one from their pro­pri­etary elec­tion process­es. We are wit­ness­ing CORPORATE FASCISM in its infan­cy in Geor­gia. Allowed to grow, one would end up with a state of affairs akin to Mus­soli­n­is Italy. Chi­na oper­ates a very sim­i­lar polit­i­cal sys­tem, one in which oppres­sive cor­po­ra­tions pro­vide the eco­nom­ic engine and wealth nec­es­sary to cre­ate and main­tain a com­mu­nist con­trol sys­tem over the coun­try. And that is what a cor­po­ra­tized polit­i­cal sys­tem nat­u­ral­ly evolves toward, that is of course, as long as Geor­gians allow it to con­tin­ue.

Kemp Makes Annual Pilgrimage to Davos

Just for kicks, ask your­self why Gov­er­nor Bri­an Kemp is short­ly to take his sec­ond trip to the World Eco­nom­ic Forum (WEF) in Davos, which, of course, Geor­gians will pay for. The state of affairs I describe above, per­va­sive cor­po­rate fas­cism, is exact­ly the polit­i­cal world the WEF of Klaus Schwab pro­mote. Take a freak­ing hint, friends.

Cor­po­rate Fas­cism-the Desired End State of the World Eco­nom­ic Forum. Cor­po­ra­tions Own Every­thing and Oper­ate the Glob­al Econ­o­my as a World­wide Com­pa­ny Store
Why Would Bri­an Kemp Attend a World­wide Cor­po­rate-Fas­cist Sum­mit, Twice?

Is the state of affairs I describe pre­des­tined? No. In fact, those work­ing to cor­po­ra­tize Geor­gias polit­i­cal sys­tems are vast­ly out­num­bered. Many dis­af­fect­ed Old Guard RINO Repub­li­cans are reach­ing an age at which they will retire from active polit­i­cal roles. You will not find many Amer­i­ca First, MAGA Repub­li­cans dark­en­ing the door of the CCCP, oopssor­ry againC­CRC.

In a cer­tain respect, Repub­li­can coali­tion cor­po­ra­tions around Geor­gia remind me of a place por­trayed in those old black-and-white Tarzan movies of the 1940s, a des­ti­na­tion to which aged ele­phants would jour­ney as life grows short. Ivory hunters called this place the Ele­phant Grave­yard. Well, friends, that is what Repub­li­can Coali­tion cor­po­ra­tions and oth­ers like them real­ly are, ele­phant grave­yards where Old Guard estab­lish­ment RINO Repub­li­cans, and their pol­i­tics, go to die.

Ivory Hunter Breathes His Last Hav­ing Final­ly Arrived at the Ele­phant Grave­yard

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