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How Far Will The Deep State Go?

  • We need to impeach May­orkas, it is polit­i­cal the­ater. But we have real seri­ous things going on in our coun­try. They are all at a Broad­way play, its the Tru­man Show. We have all these things hap­pen­ing and it hinges around Ukraine. NGOs are get­ting mon­ey as fast as the gov­ern­ment can send it. The ille­gals are get­ting work per­mits.
  • Ukraine push­es for NATO mem­ber­ship amid war with Rus­sia. As soon as they become a mem­ber of NATO we will be oblig­at­ed to defend Ukraine. It is a jobs pro­gram. Most of the mon­ey comes back to the mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex. NATO is here for a meet­ing in DC. It is an oppor­tune time this week when we are try­ing to get a bor­der deal. We have bor­der laws that we dont fol­low. We have 3 dead Amer­i­cans in Jor­dan. All the war­mon­gers are out and they want to start WWIII. They have been work­ing on this.
  • We have to pay atten­tion to AOC. Remem­ber when we all laughed at her and Bernie Sanders. Biden has almost com­plet­ed the Green New Deal.
  • Biden has got­ten even with Texas. He has paused the export of Liq­uid Nat­ur­al Gas.
  • Gavin New­som was in South Car­oli­na, along with Biden. Biden plans a fundrais­er with Clin­ton and Oba­ma. They dont talk about Biden’s Bum­bles. Biden could­nt get through the speech. There is spec­u­la­tion that the RNC is in July and the DNC is in August after Trump has picked his VP. At that point they will take Joe out. Michelle Oba­ma has pulled the fire alarm.
  • Peo­ple arent as upset with Trump as the media wants you to believe. The Amer­i­can peo­ple know that while in office Trump did­nt have a sin­gle day that peo­ple wer­ent stab­bing him in the back. The Amer­i­can peo­ple know that what he did get done was a mir­a­cle.
  • If we have a free, fair and secure elec­tion. Doanld Trump wins in a land­slide.
  • Raf­fensperg­er has been removed from the State board of elec­tions. He was until last year the chair of the board of elec­tions. Made every refer­ral for inves­ti­ga­tion. There is a rea­son they removed him. Chris Carr is already push­ing back on the inves­ti­ga­tions.
  • Manchin was in ATL and teased a third par­ty tick­et. Manchin is on a lis­ten­ing tour.
  • How far will the Deep State go?

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